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IELTS - Writing - For Band 7 or Above.


Hero Member
Oct 9, 2018
NOC Code......
Nowadays, when people have to travel abroad for work, many take their family members with them on the business trip. What are the advantages and disadvantages for the individual and his or her family members who travel together?

With the advancement in industrialisation, businesses are getting more and more globalised. In a recent phenomenon, an increasing trend of placement of workers in other countries has been observed. You spent 30 words to say “along with globalization more and more people have started traveling with their families for work” . + Your first sentence is applicable to nearly any essay, so try to avoid it at all. Although working abroad equips with advantages such as an increased international exposure of family members and avoiding home sickness psychological (the reason I corrected this part is that in the intro you only give a general overview, while naming a particular disease is more like bringing an example of a health issue, which you would rather do in the BP) issues, the associated disadvantages are that it often gets difficult for families to assimilate in different cultures and at times expensive for the worker.

On the one hand, The advantages of taking the family to business trips are multifold - this is the first sentence of your body paragraph, so this is where you introduce your main idea to the examiner. What you could here, you could start you BP1 with “On the one hand, taking the family to business trips is beneficial both because it enables the person to avoid homesickness, as well as provides the family members with the opportunity to get to know new cultures”. . Most importantly, the problem of homesickness can be avoided when a person has a company of closed family members such as partner and children. When workers move to another country, they seldom have friends or relatives over there, which they must try to avoid presenting your ideas as 100% truth need after working hours. Let’s stop here: before jumping to the next main idea you should ensure you’ve really supported this one. What you said is that when away from home people will miss their country less if they have their family near. Afterwards you need to 1. explain why it is so 2. What’s the advantage of not being homesick (like say they perform better at work) and preferably 3. give an example. E.g. those expats who have their families with them are more efficient at work. Or Most Luxembourgish companies cover costs related to family relocation for their employees work better. Now that will be a complete main idea 1 that would lead you to band 7+. Then do the same for the next main ideas. Btw You can have only one example in each BP, no need to give 4 examples. Moreover, the most significant extreme advantage it has for family members that they get international exposure, which broadens their horizon. Visiting different countries, admittedly, provides an opportunity to interact with other countries’ residents. Instead of the previous two sentences I would say “secondly, when moving to another country, family members can get an intentional exposure by exchanging experiences with people of different cultural backgrounds” Children make friends from other nationalities, hang out with them and get themselves familiarise with others’ customs and traditions. You keep repeating the same idea

However, despite these advantages, the downsides of foreign business placements’ on families and workers cannot be ignored. It could be really hard for the workers to get financial benefits from these trips if they have the company of their families. Since accommodation allowance normally does not cover the family expense, the worker might have to pay from his salary, which could make a living abroad really expensive; hence, low savings. Another downside of this could be on the family members. In spite of the fact that foreign living increases family’s exposure, it is not possible for every member to get assimilate in culture every time. If a person had not got himself adjusted in a country, it would create issues for other members. Finalize this BP with answering to the question “so what” and then give an example for that “so what”. If you cannot do that it means you shouldn’t have started talking about that idea in the first place, you know what I mean? Only put down ideas you’re confident in and can disclose

In conclusion, whereas the advantages like avoiding homesickness and increased exposure are significant, the disadvantages of low financial backups and failure to accustomed cannot be neglected.

@cansha @CA GURPREET SINGH MANN @marosa
Hi! See my comments above.

For 7 and above you should do the same exercises I suggested Sohaibkq to. Your grammar and vocabulary is ok.


VIP Member
Aug 1, 2018
@cansha @marosa

Thanks a lot guys. This is the problem when you are stuck at 6.5. To get 7 or above, you try to complex things either with vocabulary or through structure. You are not confident of yourself. You feel that if you kept it simple, you would be standing at 6.5 again.

So, what should be the top priority for 7 from 6.5. Because, 6.5 means that you were missing a couple of points, a few minor things that costed 6.5 band.
The top priority to get a 7+ score is Task Response. If you make sure that you are answering the question asked the chances of a better score increase. Look on this thread itself. Many people are still writing the essay they want to write rather than answering the topic question.

Also, I think people have a different picture in their head of what a complex sentence means in English language and tend to write long sentences with far too many commas. Just Google and check what is a complex sentence and trust me you will realize you write complex sentences all the time.

Vocab is a double edged sword. It is good to show vocab in essay but then be sure that you are using the word in correct context.


Full Member
Feb 4, 2019
Guys, Thanks a lot for being so supportive and dedicating your precious time in guiding us and providing detailed feedback. I am here with a request for assistance again. Actually, from the last two days, I am trying to write on a topic but not able to get the central idea of the question. The below-mentioned question was tested in January-2020 but I picked it up from a blog, not any authentic Cambridge book.

The world of work is changing rapidly and people cannot depend on having the same job or the same working conditions for life. What are the possible causes of this rapid change? How can people prepare for work in the future?

The problem I am facing in understanding the central idea and brainstorming.

My first question, Is examiner asking about both changes since "Rapid change" is referring to both changes mentioned in the first line. (changing the working environment, and people changing jobs frequently)

What could be ideas about First BP? If you can mention 4 to 5 ideas

What could the answer of second question "How can people prepare for work in the future? ". Do I need to give the ideas against the reasons I will be discussing in first BP?



Hero Member
Oct 9, 2018
NOC Code......
Guys, Thanks a lot for being so supportive and dedicating your precious time in guiding us and providing detailed feedback. I am here with a request for assistance again. Actually, from the last two days, I am trying to write on a topic but not able to get the central idea of the question. The below-mentioned question was tested in January-2020 but I picked it up from a blog, not any authentic Cambridge book.

The world of work is changing rapidly and people cannot depend on having the same job or the same working conditions for life. What are the possible causes of this rapid change? How can people prepare for work in the future?

The problem I am facing in understanding the central idea and brainstorming.

My first question, Is examiner asking about both changes since "Rapid change" is referring to both changes mentioned in the first line. (changing the working environment, and people changing jobs frequently) - 1) in the first sentence the examiner does not usually ask you anything. The first sentence of the question is there to introduce you to the topic of your future essay. Here the examiner presents a situation, so that in the next sentence(s) they instruct you what to do with that situation. So the situation where a rapid change is taking place and it makes people change jobs or work in ever-changing environments is not a question, it’s a statement, which you accept by default and base your essay on that fact. 2) in general, when they say either/or, they give you the freedom to choose to talk about either of the situations, however in 99% of cases you’ll benefit if you talk about both. + You’ll most probably have a better structured essay in that case, too.

What could be ideas about First BP? If you can mention 4 to 5 ideas - you do not need to think of 4-5 ideas, you simply don’t have time for that during the planning stage and you won’t have time to cover all of those ideas either. Each main idea should be properly supported, which takes at least 3 sentences. You can have only one main idea and it will be enough. Two main ideas in one BP is max.

Now, you need to understand that the purpose of IELTS GT is to ensure that those who relocate for work or studies are able to communicate with the locals, to understand them and to be understood. It’s not a university exam, neither they look for an expert opinion to solve a global issue. This means that they are not going to ask you a complicated question that not everyone is able to find an answer to. Don’t dig too far into the question, it’s just as simple as it seems.
In this case the question is “What do you think can cause rapid changes in work environment globally?”. I don’t think you can’t find even a single potential cause that would lead to work environment changes. The most obvious cause is the technological development, right? You can either talk about automation of most business processes, bring an example of how people used to do something manually before and now they simply need to ensure machines work properly. Or it might be easier for you to talk about the internet. How would internet change the way we work? A) We can work from home now, e.g. if you’re a mom most big companies will let you work remotely, b) sales are done online, so offline sales representatives need to learn how to support their customers online, or marketing specialists now need to focus on digital marketing rather than the traditional one...

You see, this are the regular ideas that would come up to you were you to discuss this topic with a friend.

What could the answer of second question "How can people prepare for work in the future? ". Do I need to give the ideas against the reasons I will be discussing in first BP? - you indeed should tie your second BP to the first one, because if you say in BP1 that the reason is the internet, and then in BP2 say that in order to adapt people should workout more, the examiner will be like ok what does workout have to do with the invention of the internet)))) If you write in your BP1 that the reason for changes is that businesses go digital, a solution for people would be to gain appropriate skills to meet the needs of the employers, right? And then you can say that that’s the reason why most universities have started adding new subjects/courses like ux/ui design, cyber security, etc. because that’s what is in demand with respect to the latest developments.

Hi, the example above is just one of the many answers that could be given and I don’t even think that’s the best one. Still, even without coming up with the best ideas you can score 9 if you know how to state your opinion clearly; how to support those “not most clever” ideas; how to give logical examples that would indeed show that your point is valid; ensure a natural flow of your thoughts...
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VIP Member
Aug 1, 2018
Hi, the example above is just one of the many answers that could be given and I don’t even think that’s the best one. Still, even without coming up with the best ideas you can score 9 if you know how to state your opinion clearly; how to support those “not most clever” ideas; how to give logical examples that would indeed show that your point is valid; ensure a natural flow of your thoughts...
Brilliantly written


VIP Member
Aug 1, 2018
Hi, the example above is just one of the many answers that could be given and I don’t even think that’s the best one. Still, even without coming up with the best ideas you can score 9 if you know how to state your opinion clearly; how to support those “not most clever” ideas; how to give logical examples that would indeed show that your point is valid; ensure a natural flow of your thoughts...
Just to add to Marosa's brilliant post. The question line has two aspects

The world of work is changing rapidly and people cannot depend on having the same job or the same working conditions for life.

If I were on exam I would address both aspects of it. As explained in previous post for working conditions you can talk about technological advancements and how it has changed working conditions.

But the other aspect is people are not sticking to same job for lifetime. People these days switch jobs more often. Why is that? Very simple reason could be just because there are more companies and more kind of jobs than before. Or because of technology it is easier to connect to people from other companies and / or appear for interviews in a different city or country via video con. Or simply because people want more money. You can pick any line of reasoning and go with it as long as you structure it well and keep it simple.

As Marosa said no one is looking for a deep thesis. Think of what would you talk to a friend and write it in a more formal manner.
May 3, 2017
You are part of a group of musicians who meet on Tuesday and Friday evenings to practise in the community hall.

You have been told, however, that it is no longer possible for the group to use the hall.

Write a letter to the manager. In the letter:

  • describe what the group does
  • explain why the group is good for the community
  • suggest alternative days and times for practice

You should write at least 150 words.

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to you to ask for the alternate days for practicing music in the local community hall.

Well, we are a group of four persons who practice singing every Tuesday and Friday evenings in the hall. While one of them sings classical music, others play the harmonium, the tabla, and the steel Tarang in a group.

Besides, we organize a live singing concert in our local stadium on the last Saturday of every month. We earn some money by selling entrance tickets and donations given by the public. This money is used to provide food, clothing, and shelter to the poor in our society.

That being said, now we have come to know that we can no longer rehearse on the days on which we used to practice. Is it possible for us to use this hall, but on alternate days? We all are free on the weekends and every Wednesday morning.

Since this activity is immensely beneficial for our society, kindly allow us to continue using the club. Thanking you in anticipation.

Yours faithfully,

Kevin Green
Can anyone please provide his or her views on this?

Thank you in advance.


Hero Member
Oct 9, 2018
NOC Code......
You are part of a group of musicians who meet on Tuesday and Friday evenings to practise in the community hall.

You have been told, however, that it is no longer possible for the group to use the hall.

Write a letter to the manager. In the letter:

  • describe what the group does
  • explain why the group is good for the community
  • suggest alternative days and times for practice

You should write at least 150 words.

Dear Sir or Madam,

By way of introduction, my name is Kevin and I am the lead vocalist of the XX band. I am writing to you with regards to the recent decision to limit the usage of the YY hall for rehearsals. ask for the alternate days for practicing music in the local community hall.

we are a group of four persons who practice singing every Tuesday and Friday evenings (or on Tuesday and Friday evenings) in the hall. While one of them sings classical music, others play the harmonium, the tabla, and the steel Tarang in a group. - So does the band consist of only singers or not?

Besides - besides what?, we organize a live singing concert in our local stadium on the last Saturday of every month. We earn some money by selling entrance tickets and donations given by the public. - maybe you could use richer vocab, just to score higher - we generate most of our income by selling tickets, as well as receiving donations from the public. This money is used for charity purposes, including providing food, clothing and shelter to those in need. This money is used to provide food, clothing, and shelter to the poor in our society.

That being said, now we have come to know that we can no longer rehearse on the days on which we used to practice. However, since this activity is immensely beneficial both for us and our society, I am kindly asking you to let us continue using the hall. Is it possible for us to use this hall, but on alternate days? - too informal Since We all are free on the weekends and every Wednesday morning, I would suggest to change the days of our rehearsals.

Since this activity is immensely beneficial for our society, kindly allow us to continue using the club. Thanking you in anticipation.

Yours faithfully,

Kevin Green

1. If you're writing to someone, who doesn't know you introduce yourself.
2. Tell the reader what your letter is going to be about, give an insight. Don't directly jump to addressing the last point of the question in the introduction. Just like in Task 2, Task 1's question instructs you on what and how you should write. So, if they tell you to write about something in the end, it's most probably best to leave that part for the end.
3. Task 1 is where you show off vocabulary, don't go too simple with your grammar and vocab.


Star Member
Nov 24, 2018
The system used for rubbish/garbage collection in your local area is not working properly. This is causing problems for you and your neighbours. Write a letter to the local council. In your letter:

– Describe how the rubbish collection system is not working properly

– Explain how this is affecting you and your neighbours

– Suggest what should be done about the problem

Dear Sir,

I am Sohaib Qureshi, the resident of Street 5, Block A, National Police Foundation. I am writing to lodge a formal complaint on behalf of my neighbours regarding an unorganized garbage collection system of the town. For the last few days, severe inconsistency has been observed as Janitorial team has not been regular in picking garbage from homes and also leaving a hefty amount of dump in the dumping carts.

Let me explain how this is affecting the environment of our street. Throughout the day, children from the street spend their day out, playing with each other. In the evening, we elders take time out for a walk. Unfortunately, for the last few days, it has been impossible to walk on the road due to severe odour coming out of dumping cart. Also, the rubbish leftover is attracting plenty of stray dogs which is a huge concern for the juveniles.

I would like to suggest that someone from facility management should monitor the garbage collection system on his own. He must ensure that all of the wastage is removed properly and there is no leftover.

I hope the suggestions I have put forward will be taken considerably.

Yours faithfully,

Sohaib Qureshi

@CA GURPREET SINGH MANN @cansha @marosa
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Full Member
Nov 1, 2019
Porto Alegre, RS
NOC Code......
App. Filed.......

I'm writing my Task 1 and Task 2 from my last exam.

---- TASK 1
Question line: Complaint about a wrong information given at tourist center.

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing this letter to report about a wrong information that I received from the tourist center at London Street last week.

My name is John Smith and I went to London for the first time with my family, including my two children. That being said, one of the activities that we have planned for this trip, was a visit to the National Museum and we are able to guarantee tickets for the last day before returning home.

When the time came, I asked for the bus route for the museum at the informational desk on the tourist center. However, the employee gave us the wrong information without confirming it, thus, directing us to the opposite side of the city. Unfortunately, our family were not able to attend the museum as a result of this mistake and the tickets were nonrefundable.

I am very uncomfortable with this situation which caused our family dealing with kids being heartbroken, and the financial loss of four tickets. Therefore, I hope the management take further actions such as proper training for all employees in order to avoid such mistakes.

Yours Faithfully,

Mr John Smith

---- TASK 2
Question line: Moving out from parents home at early ages (18). Agree or disagree?

Moving out from parent’s house is a hard decision which teenagers take between age of sixteen and eighteen. While there are cultures which strongly recommend their children to search for their independency at early ages, others prefer to keep their family together until some financial parameters are met. This essay will cover both aspects and demonstrate how moving out is a good move if done with some precautions in mind.

It is common knowledge that moving out early brings both economical and emotional dependency from parents. For instance, in Japan teenagers start to look for their own home around their sixteens, and being at parent’s home after eighteen is seen as a signal of weakness and failure. In additional, being a developed country, Japan can provide enough positions for people looking for entry level roles to start their autonomy. Therefore, there is a strong cultural pressure for these citizens, developing their economical and emotional freedom at early stages of life.

On the other hand, poverty plays an important role on the decision of moving out or staying at their parents. According to a research, more than 70% of Brazilian population around their eighteens do not have enough education to get a position at a specialized role, leaving entry level jobs as their last resource. That being said, as a result of not having enough education and entry jobs for everyone, these adults prefer to stay at their parent’s home until they can provide for themselves.

In conclusion, cultural and economic aspects are important when deciding if moving out is a good idea or not. Thus, independency should be encouraged by parents but not enforced as it can lead to bad decisions. Also, the government can play an important role by creating a wide variety of jobs for those who wants to start their own life.


Hero Member
Oct 9, 2018
NOC Code......
The system used for rubbish/garbage collection in your local area is not working properly. This is causing problems for you and your neighbours. Write a letter to the local council. In your letter:

– Describe how the rubbish collection system is not working properly

– Explain how this is affecting you and your neighbours

– Suggest what should be done about the problem

Dear Sir, they usually tell you how to start you letter, but in most cases if it's a formal letter you'll start with dear Sir/Madam

I am Sohaib Qureshi, the resident of Street 5, Block A, National Police Foundation. I am writing to lodge a formal complaint on behalf of me and (not critical though) my neighbours regarding an unorganized garbage collection system of the town. Start from a new paragraph maybe? For the last few days, severe inconsistency has been observed as the Janitorial team has not been regular in picking garbage from homes and also leaving a hefty amount of dump in the dumping carts.

Let me explain how this is affecting the environment of our street. this sentence provided no additional info. To link your next sentence to the previous one you can say "As a result, this affects both our children, as they play with each other outdoors during the day, and the grown ups, who like to take a walk in the evenings", something like that. Throughout the day, children from the street spend their day out, playing with each other. In the evening, we elders take time out for a walk. Unfortunately, for the last few days, it has been impossible to walk on the road due to severe odour coming out of dumping carts. Also, the rubbish leftover is attracting plenty of stray dogs, which is a huge concern for the juveniles.

I would like to suggest that someone from facility management should to monitor the garbage collection system on his own. He must ensure that all of the wastage is removed properly and there is no leftover.

I hope the suggestions I have put forward will be taken considerably.

Yours faithfully,

Sohaib Qureshi

@CA GURPREET SINGH MANN @cansha @marosa


See above. Overall, this should be ok for 7 and above if you do well on your Task 2 :)
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Hero Member
Oct 9, 2018
NOC Code......

I'm writing my Task 1 and Task 2 from my last exam.

---- TASK 1
Question line: Complaint about a wrong information given at tourist center.

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing this letter to report about a wrong information that I received from the tourist center at London Street last week.

My name is John Smith and I went to visited London for the first time with my family, including my two children. That being said I don't know why people like this phrase so much. To me it sounds too artificial and it does not even provide any additional information, neither it helps to link sentences much, because you can use this phrase literally everywhere, one of the activities that we have planned for this trip, was a visit to the National Museum, and we are were able to guarantee book? tickets for the last day of our trip before returning home.

When the time came, I asked for the bus route for the museum at the informational desk on the tourist center. However, the employee gave us the wrong information without confirming it, thus, directing us to the opposite side of the city. Unfortunately, our family were was not able to attend visit - attend is when it's an event or when you go there on a regular basis the museum as a result of this mistake and the tickets were nonrefundable. This last sentence is really complicated. You have 2 points here: My family couldn't visit the museum, because of the mistake; The tickets are non-refundable; to tie these two ideas you need to restructure your sentence. "As a result, not only we didn't visit the museum, we lost the money we had paid for the tickets, since they were non-refundable".

I am very uncomfortable with this situation, which caused our family dealing with kids being heartbroken, and the financial loss of four tickets. Here you again have few ideas that are not properly connected to one another, this makes it really hard to understand what you meant. "Besides the financial side of the issue, this situation made me and my wife deal with the heartbroken children" Therefore, I hope the management will take further actions such as proper training for all employees in order to avoid such mistakes.

Yours Faithfully,

Mr John Smith

*You really need to read more of others’ letters and essays, because your sentences are a bit messed up. It seems like you do have valid points and you know grammar, but your sentences do not sound “English”. I don’t know if that’s due to the lack of vocabulary or simply because you translate your thoughts from your language into English. But most probably you can fix it if you read more.

---- TASK 2
Question line: Moving out from parents home at early ages (18). Agree or disagree?

Moving out from parent’s house is a hard decision which teenagers often need to (we are adding “often” here to make the sentences not to sound too extreme, because it’s not true for 100% of people, but it’s the case for the majority) take between age of sixteen and eighteen. While there are cultures which strongly recommend their children to search for their independency at early ages, others prefer to keep their family together until some financial parameters are met. This essay will cover both aspects and demonstrate how moving out is a good move if done with some precautions in mind. Avoid this type of sentences. Instead to give an overview of your essay you should write something like “while there are some demerits in terms of

It is common knowledge that moving out early brings both economical and emotional dependency independence? from parents. For instance, if you need 7+ try to avoid saying “for instance”/“for example”. You ser, a band 7+ example is clear enough for the examiner to understand that here‘s the example. Instead, you can say “the overwhelming majority of teenagers in the developed countries LIKE Japan start to look...” in Japan teenagers start to look for their own home around their sixteens, and ; moreover, being living/continuing to live at parent’s home after eighteen is seen as a signal of weakness and failure. In additional, being a developed country, Japan can provide enough positions for people looking for entry level roles to start their autonomy. Therefore, As a result, the population appears to be under a strong cultural pressure to develop their ec and em freedom... there is a strong cultural pressure for these citizens, developing their economical and emotional freedom at early stages of life.

I can’t understand your opinion about this question from this BP. From the intro I can guess you think it’s good to move out, so you need to show it here. Like in your case you finished the BP saying that the society puts pressure on people to move out - this is a negative thing. Instead you should say how either people or the society or the business or the government... benefit from this situation. E.g. you can say that because of that more people work and push the economy, or that teenagers are more social if they live alone so it’s good for the society... You started the BP well, 1. you had your main idea that teenagers become independent, 2. You had an example of Japan. But then you should have pointed out that: 3. Japanese teens are less dependent and 4. This is advantageous in terms of bla bla bla. Hope I could explain :)

On the other hand, poverty plays an important role on the decision of moving out or staying at their parents. According to a research, more than 70% of Brazilian population around their eighteens do not have enough education to get a position at a specialized role, leaving entry level jobs as their last resource. That being said, as a result of not having enough education and entry jobs for everyone, these adults prefer to stay at their parent’s home until they can provide for themselves. if the essay question is ”some people think it’s good to move out. Do you agree or disagree?” And you say you agree, you need to show why you agree. So you agree because 1. Teens are more independent like that and 2. ?
OR you can say you MAINLY agree and then say it’s good for developed countrIes, but not so beneficial for developing ones. In that case in your BP2 you need to say why exactly it’s not good for the Brazilians for example to move out at early age. Like you can say because there are no jobs so when they move out they face serious financial and psychological issues, which then leads to higher crime rates. Now that would be a complete and supported idea.

In conclusion, cultural and economic aspects are important when deciding if moving out is a good idea or not. Thus, independency should be encouraged by parents but not enforced as it can lead to bad decisions. Also, the government can play an important role by creating a wide variety of jobs for those who wants to start their own life.
Please see above and be more attentive with the punctuation. :)

* One of the main reasons why you got 6.5 is that you didn’t fully address the question they asked.


Star Member
Nov 24, 2018
You work at home and have a problem with a piece of equipment that you use for your job.
Write a letter to the shop or company which supplied the equipment.
In your letter,
• describe the problem with the equipment
• explain how this problem is affecting your work
• say what you want the shop or company to do

Dear Sir or Madam,

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am Sohaib Qureshi, employed as a graphics designer in S&P Global Islamabad but currently working from home. I am writing to complain about a Wireless mouse which my company recently purchased from your shop. The equipment was initially working smoothly but now after a couple of days, it has completely stopped functioning.

My job role involves aggressive working on computer graphics where a handy mouse is required all the time. Unfortunately, the issue came at a critical time where our project deadline is nearby. This current assignment is very crucial for our company’s upcoming marketing project.

I would like to request for an early replacement of this faulty equipment. For the time being, I am relying on an old wired mouse which is difficult to use and causing delay in my work. I am hoping that I will receive a fresh stock in a couple of days.

I hope the request I have put forward will be addressed on priority.

Yours faithfully,

Sohaib Qureshi

@marosa @CA GURPREET SINGH MANN @cansha


Full Member
Feb 4, 2019
Some people believe that in order for a hobby to be enjoyable, it needs to be difficult. Do you agree or disagree? (D have used some generic statements as I was struggling with content)

As the studies on homo sapiens have progressed, the importance of relaxation is getting more and more importance due to its impacts on humans’ lives. While some people believe that to get contentment from a leisure activity it should not involve any difficulty, I side with those who think that it ought to be laborious.

The proponents of hobbies which do not involve any difficulty claim that amusement time is often to get relaxed and preparing a person for upcoming challenges. If in that time they have to face difficulty, the activity would not be of any benefit. For instance, a person after a hectic day at the office gets back to home, and to get himself relaxed he again has to go to mental and physically exhausting activity, it will only frustrate him further, and might even lead to depression if he does this frequently.

However, in my opinion, a difficult hobby is much better as it contributes to people’s skills simultaneously. If someone enjoys his pastime by having a challenging situation, it adds-up in his skills even when a person is out of learning phase. Take the example of an adventurous traveller, who often opt-for to visit inhabitable places in his amusement time. Subconsciously, he is learning many practical traits by challenging himself such as communicating with strangers, time and finance management, which he may not recognise at that time, but later in his life, it can be of really beneficial for him.

To conclude, not only do leisure time can relax a person, but it can also contribute a lot in developing personality. Therefore, on balance, while I do acknowledge that the focus should be to get relaxed, it should be challenging to learn and develop skills passively.


Star Member
Nov 24, 2018
Some people believe that in order for a hobby to be enjoyable, it needs to be difficult. Do you agree or disagree?

Since the inception of time, humans have been finding various ways of uplifting their leisure time. Some people are of a view that a hobby should be challenging as difficult time becomes memorable. This essay will argue why difficulty factor should not be a necessary requirement for a pastime to be exciting.

In general, some people like bringing a challenging aspect to their hobby. They believe that passing through a stiff situation for pleasure tests their endurance limit and being successful becomes memorable at the end. Taking travelling for example, enthusiastic often choose hiking for their tour as they believe that getting close to nature after their adrenaline being pushed to the limits will be worth their time. Indeed, such physically intriguing situations often bring memorable stories that are remembered for long.

On the other hand, for the other people, the difficulty factor does not always bring excitement. Mostly, people prefer their leisure time to be qualitative and therefore they sideline the idea of being involved in a physically or mentally challenging situation. Going back to the travelling example, to experience the true glimpse of nature, a far off view can also be exciting and overall satisfying without putting oneself in danger. Therefore, In spite of taking the unnecessary physical challenge, people should choose the comfort factor for making their hobby full of pleasure.

This essay explained why some people prefer embracing challenge for the fulfilment of their hobby. In my opinion, an amusement time should not be associated with the difficulty factor as its main purpose is to raise the quality of the time.

@marosa @cansha @CA GURPREET SINGH MANN