Hello! I need help! I haven't submitted anything yet and I am confused about the first step.
The situation:
I was born in Canada and married my husband in the USA in early 2018. He has been in Montréal on a visitor visa since December 2018. We want to apply for a inland spousal sponsorship.
My question:
In the form A-1520 ( Documents à soumettre à l'appui de la demande d'engagement) they ask me to provide the following
"Preuve de votre admissibilité comme personne qui parraine :
• Lettre ou courriel récent de Immigration, Réfugiés et Citoyenneté Canada contenant :
– la confirmation que vous avez satisfait aux conditions d’admissibilité pour parrainer et vous invitant à déposer une demande d’engagement auprès du ministère de l’Immigration, de la Diversité et de l’Inclusion"
How can I obtain the letter/ email they are referring to? Is it via a form on the CIC website?
I've seen such a document referenced at multiple places during my research, but was never able to find what exactly they want. Thank you so much for your help!