I tried my level best to find sense on your posts but you again proved everyone of us in the pool wrong. Kindly have some research and then post your comments, the picture you have shown is about targets and have you ever tried to check the records about no of ITAs issued. Bring some reality in you first and then take such names. You are the person who is consistently throwing negativity instead of writing something which would either motivate someone or pat their back for a better step forward. Just check the numbers in targets and what actually has been issued. As per previous trends there would be roughly 94K + - ita to be issued in this year and around 35K are yet to be issued before year end.Don't spread any fake hope, the ITA target is only 81400 this year and 59800 already issued ~ which mean only 21600 ITA left this year (21600 / 3600 ITA = 6 draws left) I think they will conduct 1-2 more draw but that's it....no reason for b2b draw again and ita increase
They are 5100 ITA ahead compare to last year. As long as they meet the annual target of 81400, they are good to go and enjoy their Christmas break.
They can choose to invite more but not required.
In 2017, Total issued ITA were 86,023 against target of 71,400 and similarly in 2018 they issued 89,800 against 74,900 which means 20% higher than the targeted numbers and this year targets are around 81,400 just do some math while adding 20% on it.

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