Hi! Do I need to have an address in Canada when I apply for the citizenship, or I can put my address abroad? Do they send any important documents over the mail in case I put the address of some I know in Canada? Thanks in advance
I do not know the impact of having a non-Canadian address while the application is pending, other than what is addressed at length in other topics regarding the logistical risks attendant living abroad while an application is pending, and the risk of this inviting elevated scrutiny (for obvious reasons). Nor can I anticipate what impact the upcoming Federal election might have (when the Conservatives last formed the government, in addition to adopting an intent to CONTINUE residing in Canada requirement, they otherwise appeared to deliberately stall processing citizenship applications for some applicants identified as having moved abroad).
There are a number of anecdotal reports from recent applicants who encountered no problems despite living abroad after applying. Few authoring those reports reveal how they approached providing address information to IRCC.
However, be aware that the application form requires applicants to provide accurate and truthful information under penalty of criminal law as well as potential consequences under the Citizenship Act (not the least of which is the fact that misrepresentations will allow revocation of citizenship FOREVER . . . and indeed, revocation proceedings have been pursued as much as forty or even fifty years later). And to promptly notify IRCC of changes (such as change residential address).
Applicants have NO leeway in providing their current residential address or in providing their address history. This information MUST be based on the individual's actual place of residence. Applicants cannot just use someone else's address. (Which is not to say that this is not done; it is probably done rather often, with mixed results, ranging from no impact, such as IRCC apparently not noticing the fraud, to cases in which consequences for fraud are imposed; that is, many getting away with it, many not getting away with it.)
Applicants have wide leeway in providing a mailing address. The only qualification is that the applicant will, of course, be responsible for any notice or request sent to that mailing address. However, it appears that IRCC will not always use the mailing address for some communications (a somewhat common example: neither renewed PR cards nor notice to pick up card in person, will be mailed to a mailing address, only the PR's residential address, recognizing of course that some PRs risk the consequences for fraud and misrepresent what is their actual residential address).