So spoke to 2 agents today, the first one was very rude. He didn't even bother to check anything, just said you were already contacted for your remainder so why call again? There is nothing new, call back in August. So I told him "May the force be with you" and hung up

Second time got hold of a super wonderful agent. She listened to everything I had to say and understood my frustration. Sadly, no changes in my case and status still remains the same;
Eligibility - Recommended Pass, Criminality - Passed, Security - Not Started.
She agreed that it is surprising a decision has not been made yet since my case has been in queue for final review for quite some time.
According to her the officer must be waiting for some checks to complete and for whatever reason he has not received these reports yet and that could be why my case has been delayed. Otherwise she can't see a reason why it's prolonged.
She further explained if I was marked for Security Screening or Review Required then my case will go through additional verifications and will not be in queue for the officer to have a review. Since the officer is keeping it in queue it does indicate he is ready to assess my case.
Asked me to wait till month end