Just spoke with an agent. No specific details except its all in progress, contrary to profile info that shows nothing has been started yet.
So thats good news? at least they have picked up the file?
We were asked to wait till July to call back
Nov 14 AOR, VO - Ottawa
This is exactly what they answered to our call yesterday!
Everything is in progress, nothing completed (though no update on the application)
We did not believe him honestly, so my husband politely but directly asked him..if our file has actually been picked up or not..to which he again said our application is being worked upon.
I don't know if I am correct or not, but my instinct says that they do not say directly that the file has not been picked but gives a generic response that everything is in progress. (anybody has any experience on this??? I would be the happiest if someone proves me wrong...!!

But he did mention that everything seems fine in our application and there is no red flag. (Some relief..!!!

Lastly, said we can expect to hear a decision by the end of our 6 months, but there is always a probability that it might cross the timeline.
AOR 28th Nov. No update in our application since MEP and a basic ADR on the 1st week of Jan.