Grrrr, if I can vent here for a second: there are only three clinics in all of Germany that do the medical check, and my husband has called two of them (the local one in Berlin and the one in Frankfurt) and he can't even get a call back, let alone an appointment. The online calendar for the Berlin clinic says no visa appointments available until April (?!) which is obviously way too late. He even wrote to the one in Prague (! we're just potentially travelling the continent now) and hasn't heard back from there either.

I read on these boards about people getting appointments for just a few days after they get MR and I'm so frustrated and baffled by our situation!
It's also hard because he works long hours at his job, including weekends, so even if he is able to get a last-minute appointment, it's going to be tough for him to make it if it's in some completely different city/country he has to travel a day to get to. Anyway, I know a lot of people are in MUCH more remote locations, with much farther to travel for these things, so I'm not
really complaining -- just venting a bit!
Though while I'm at it: does anyone know if they are actually waiting on the medical results to proceed? Or will they keep working on it in the meantime and just add his results when they arrive? I'd hate to think we get delayed because of this frustrating nonsense!
The process doesn't stop ,in all likely hood they can move to next steps of BACK GROUND CHECK at local VO , however as CIC they want the report within 30 days . If there is delays then they should be notified
However , I think there are about 7 physicans in all , so you best bet is find time from either of them. The process takes under 2 hours ( as per my spouse , she did her MR today)..Good Luck with everything
City: Berlin
Name: Ilka Knur
Address: Praevenio,
Aerztehaus am Europa-Center,
67 Nuernberger Strasse,
Telephone: + 49 30 21280480
Spoken Languages: English, German
City: Berlin
Name: Heiko Zuercher
Address: Praevenio,
Aerztehaus am Europa-Center,
67 Nuernberger Strasse,
Telephone: + 49 30 21280480
Spoken Languages: English, German
City: Berlin
Name: Ingo Prack
Address: Praevenio,
Aerztehaus am Europa-Center,
67 Nuernberger Strasse,
Telephone: +49 30 21280480
Spoken Languages: English, German
City: Frankfurt
Name: Harald Schulte
Address: Ulmenstrasse 43,
(This panel physician or clinic provides services paid by Interim Federal Health Program. Ce professionnel désigné ou cette clinique offrent des services payés par le Programme fédéral de santé intérimaire.)
Telephone: (0049-69) 72-222-2
Spoken Languages: English, German
City: Frankfurt
Name: Johannes Abel
Address: Ulmenstr. 43,
(This panel physician or clinic provides services paid by Interim Federal Health Program. Ce professionnel désigné ou cette clinique offrent des services payés par le Programme fédéral de santé intérimaire.)
Telephone: (004969) 722-222
Spoken Languages: English, German
City: Frankfurt
Name: Kerstin Jahn
Address: Internistische Kardiologische Gemeinschaftspraxis,
Ulmenstrasse 43,
(This panel physician or clinic provides services paid by Interim Federal Health Program. Ce professionnel désigné ou cette clinique offrent des services payés par le Programme fédéral de santé intérimaire.)
Telephone: (0049-69) 72-222-2
Spoken Languages: English
City: Munich
Name: Friedrich Renner
Address: Putzbrunner Str. 114,
Telephone: (49-89) 6709-222
Spoken Languages: English, German
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