Joint accounts have occasionally been discussed here, and I've read that they can be presented if accompanied by an approval from the other holder. I would like more detail on this, so I'll present my case.
I will present my own, single bank account for my proof of funds. Additionally, I am also the secondary holder in my father's joint account. Though he won't be accompanying me on the trip, he approves me to use as much of the joint account as I need and is ready to provide a statement to that effect. Will the fact that I'm a secondary holder count against me? Am I better off not showing this account?
Even if I can show the account, I plan on applying online which presents a few dilemmas.
I have typed up my explanation letter in Word, which leaves me no option to sign by hand. As I'm applying online, should I print this letter out, sign it, scan it and then upload the scan?
How about my father's statement? Should he sign a print out? Or can I upload his statement and my letter in the digital format without either of our hand written signatures?
I will present my own, single bank account for my proof of funds. Additionally, I am also the secondary holder in my father's joint account. Though he won't be accompanying me on the trip, he approves me to use as much of the joint account as I need and is ready to provide a statement to that effect. Will the fact that I'm a secondary holder count against me? Am I better off not showing this account?
Even if I can show the account, I plan on applying online which presents a few dilemmas.
I have typed up my explanation letter in Word, which leaves me no option to sign by hand. As I'm applying online, should I print this letter out, sign it, scan it and then upload the scan?
How about my father's statement? Should he sign a print out? Or can I upload his statement and my letter in the digital format without either of our hand written signatures?