Here are my further updates, and this time, I have kind of given up following with either of the parties WES vs IIM.
On Hold (2 year PGDM degree + transcripts from IIM): 13-Aug-2018 (It's week-end on 11th and 12th)
Campus responds to 2nd VDR email: 14-Aug-2018 Morning (India Time)
We received your document(s). We are reviewing your document(s): 15-Aug-2018
On Hold (PGDM degree + transcripts from IIM): 16-Aug-2018
Concerned person in campus is on leave on 17th Aug; it's weekend on 18-19th August.
For my part though, I gathered all the useful info shared by
@Nishika22 and other good folks in this forum, and suggested one such template to PGP Office on 8th Aug, later followed up on 14th Aug, only to be told they are aware of WES process and have their own format (thankfully, they are quite accessible).
On WES front, I tried following up over Twitter DM, Phone number and ContactUs ( in descending order of accessibility) requesting them to explicitly state the rejection-reason in email (instead of standard automated email) only to hear their standard "this is confidential, can't disclose" statement again and again.
Now if anyone out there is in touch with IIMA (in Aug-2018) over 'On Hold' status and has succeeded, please do ping me. Thank you