Actually I had searched regarding my query in the forum but had no luck with it. Therefore, I would like to get opinion on my issue which is as under:
I have got two degrees,CA Inter(which might be evaluated by WES as one year college diploma as they have done in several cases ) and Bachelor's degree(4 years).The problem is study duration.
CA Inter: 2015 to 2017(including CA foundation)
4 year's bachelors:2014 to 2018
So, in this case will I be able to claim two or more degrees??Do anyone have similar experience as I do?
Will they evaluate my credentials as only one degree,if I send both the credentials same time??
What if I send my CA Inter certificate first,get it evaluated and after that get Bachelor's degree evaluated??
Will that be a problem??
Responses are highly appreciated..
Actually I had searched regarding my query in the forum but had no luck with it. Therefore, I would like to get opinion on my issue which is as under:
I have got two degrees,CA Inter(which might be evaluated by WES as one year college diploma as they have done in several cases ) and Bachelor's degree(4 years).The problem is study duration.
CA Inter: 2015 to 2017(including CA foundation)
4 year's bachelors:2014 to 2018
So, in this case will I be able to claim two or more degrees??Do anyone have similar experience as I do?
Will they evaluate my credentials as only one degree,if I send both the credentials same time??
What if I send my CA Inter certificate first,get it evaluated and after that get Bachelor's degree evaluated??
Will that be a problem??
Responses are highly appreciated..