Quick calculations:
Number of people above 450 on 8th June = 317+2596 = 2913
Number of people above 450 on 20th June = 209 + 1057 = 1266
Number of people cleared on 13th June with cut-off of 451 = 3750
Assuming 451 was cleared off on 13 June (mostly 20-30 people would remain)
Number of people above 450 entering pool in 12 days = 3750 + 1266 - 2913 = 2103
Number of 450 per day = 2103 / 12 = 175 (this was 196/per day last time)
Additionally, number of people within 441-450 entering pool per day = (1731-1092)/12 = 53
So, overall number of people above 440 entering per day = 175 + 53 = 228
This is still high, but significantly lower than the 263 we saw last time. Hopefully we see a downward trend on this!