Yeah, well..... High probability of success or not, appeals take in years in some cases.....tons of money in immigration lawyers and it causes such emotional and physical stress on couples.... I just don't know if I have much fight left in me at this point. I'm going to just leave it in God's hands and if we are denied, I think my time and energy is better spent migrating back to my home country and trying the whole process from there (where I hear it is easier from other couples who have gone through the process)...

As much as it would kill me to throw away everything I worked so hard to build here, I have a husband and a life hanging in the balance and that should be my first priority, and it is. These IO have way too much power to destroy lives on a whim..... There is just no rhyme or reason to any of this. But, as I said, I have no choice but to leave it in God's hands and hope for the best.