I think it's not an error, it's more like a indication that the latest work experience is not 5 yrs, I experienced the same, I submitted and ignore the message.
There is an error on the work experience. I had the same issue but submitted with a letter of explanation. As per MPNP, you have to count 5 years backwards til the date your submitted your EOI. Example, for Miheer86, if he submitted his EOI on November 1, 2017 (sample date only), the start of counting should be 5 years backwards. in his inclusive dates, 5 years will include November 2, 2012 to November 1, 2017. As per MPNP website, we cannot round off the dates, therefore in his dates,
- June 2012 to April 2013 --> Counting starts from November 2, 2012 to April 2013 = 5 months
- April 2013 to June 2016 --> 3 years + 2 months = 3 years
- June 2016 to Nov 2017 --> 5 months
TOTAL 4 years
In his case, cumulative is 4 years, but i am not sure if this is how they compute the work experience. please check with other seniors here.
There will be problem if you answered 5 years, while your total as per the inclusive years is 3 years. as per mpnp point system, 4 and 5 years have the same points, therefore there wont be any changes in the points, therefore no misrepresentation in eoi occurred. But if you answered 5 years, and total number of years is only 3 years, there is possibility of misrepresentation, therefore rejection.
Years of work experience Ranking Points
less than one year 0
one year 40
two years 50
three years 60
four years or more 75
Fully recognized by provincial licensing body 100
Maximum Points – Factor 3 175
In my case, i submitted 5 years in my EOI last May 21, 2017, so my inclusive dates should have been May 22, 2012 to May 21, 2017. My work experience are:
Oct 2009 to Nov 2012 --> Counting starts from May 2012 to November 2012 - 6 months
January 5, 2013 to jan 31, 2014 --> 1 year
February 1, 2014 to May, 2017 --> 3 years, 3 months
Total: 4 years 9 months (since no rounding off, 4 years)
I contacted MPNP and said it is up to me if i would like to decline my laa but i opted to submit as advised by other people i asked who had the same issue. I just submitted a letter of explanation related to this.
Good luck to all of us who submitted