Hi everyone. I am new to this website and although you guys have enormously contributed to my understanding of the evaluation process, I still have some questions.
I am a new ACCA Member (would receive the membership certificate in a couple of weeks) and have also done my BSc Honors from OBU. Sadly, my third professional qualification as a CFA is not evaluated by WES

My main question is that do I need to get my O and A level evaluated from WES in addition to BSc and ACCA as well?
Also, as per my current understanding, for ACCA I need to provide copies of fundamental level, proessional level, affiliate certificate and membership certificate to WES directly while a status report, letter of equivalency and letter of good standing will be sent directly by ACCA. For BSc, I will have to send copy of degree while OBU Shop shall deliver the transcript to WES.
Please correct me if I am wrong in my understanding of documents to be shared with WES, and let me know if O A level evaluation is necessary or would add any points to my profile.
Thanking you guys in advance