My journey from PPR to visa stamp: (some info not applicable to others) Just wanted to share
I received my PPR mail last Dec.18, 2017, thru my agents cic account, then she forwarded it to me. In it is the PPR mail, and some instruction of how to submit passport to VFS Manila. Then on December 19, I submitted my passport at VFS manila personally (although you can also send it thru any courier). Had some problems with my ID picture, because according to the agent, it does not comply with the required specs, so I had to repeat it, good thing there is one shop nearby. (@alphaland south gate mall-they already know about the specs). So for anyone whose getting their picture taken, please check carefully the specs, you can cut the print out guideline from canada website and trace it over your picture, just to be certain.
After that, it was easy, just submit the letter and forms, pay necessary fee for the VFS, and if you want the courier to deliver at your home, pay additional. From some posts, it seems that Manila Embassy stamps passport faster than most, within a week is the usual trend. The line at VFS was not that long for those who will only submit their passport.
Then for Filipino citizens, we are required to have a Pre-Departure Orientation Seminar (PDOS), whether you are a spouse or principal applicant, its required. Now they will need the passport before you can book online at CFO manila, but for those from the North, you can go as walk-in at CFO clark. I went at CFO-clark, as it is more convenient for me. The information provided is mostly about travel docs, airport info, Canada info, it was a good chance to hear more information. It is mandatory to get this PDOS for Filipino's because at the airport, immigration will check the sticker, and you cannot board without it.
Next info, will be about my experience at the airport!!!!Thanks everyone!!! And to all those still waiting, you will get yours soon!!!
***By the way, I noticed my visa's date of issue was about two weeks before my PPR mail, so I am sure your visa's are already just maybe sent by batch!!! And status at portal changed to Approved, after I got my visa stamped.