Hello guys
I am new here and i am of 19 years old from Pakistan and my wife is sponsoring me from Canada so just let me know the documents required for Pakistani people as I am principal applicant .Kindly tell me which documents are required from pakistani people to complete my application.
Here are my few questions :
1 : I have Marriage certificate from NADRA ( as i also have the urdu one so they need that or not ? if yes so may i have to translate it ? )
2: do they need B-Form and family registration certificate (FRC) ? because i dont have any of them but i have cnic (smart card)
3: do they need PRC ? a permenant resident certificate form pakistani people ?
4: and i have new cnic (smart card) but in this address is written in urdu language so do i need to translate it too ?
need your help

if anyone so please