Oh really. My Goodness. Are you doing alone or any agency is helping you. U know my agency has collected all my documents notarized before they create this profile and nothing happened yet.
You meant that all of ur send as PDF as electronically to them once ITA issued right.
How long u tried for IELTS to get cleared.
Also, how you will intimate ur draws happened at ur score. I think u get an email also u can see in the profile right
I'm doing it alone, leveraging tidbits of wisdom from this stupendous forum. It was my 2nd attempt for IELTS- I rather didn't take the 1st attempt too seriously and casually just appeared for the Listening test. As a result, I learnt my mistake and retook it (this time practicing Listening tests only).
You will get a message in your CIC once you receive the ITA. An email is also sent through to your registered email address mentioning that your CIC profile has been updated.
I reiterate: all submissions of docs are in the PDF format barring pictures (which should be in JPEG), and it's electronic. You've to upload it via the link the ITA form generates !