Thanks a lot for this detailed info.As per CIC country of residence is a place where you are legally present at the time of submitting the application. You can forget other tax or legal definitions for residence.
You could call them and ask, but it is very likely that they will ask you to submit the application with India as country as residence. You could do that as well. Once you get PPR, and if you happen to have moved to US at that time, you can simply send an email to CIC asking them change your country of residence to US. They will send you a different set of instructions to submit passports from US. Plenty of people have been in such a scenario and have done that. If you are still happen to be in India during PPR, you can submit your passports in India itself. You could travel once you get back your passport.
Is your employer still US based and do you get paid in USD for these 4 months?
Now I am having confidence to submit my application with India as country of residence. But I have following question related to that:
1) My spouse is in US and he is working there , so his COR will be USA. Hope it is ok if spouse has a different COR?
2) I have mailed my passport/docs to my spouse in US and he applied for Indian PCC on my behalf. Now my Indian PCC is from SFO counselate and the date on the PCC is when I am in India. hope this is fine?