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Champion Member
Sep 24, 2016
NOC Code......
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
IELTS Request
Med's Request
Med's Done....
I totally agree with you that they make it like a mission to Moon or even Mars!!

To be fair, there are people who really think going to Canada is as difficult as going to the moon and they don't want to invest time researching but they just want the results. I think some will find 5k CAD is worth it because it takes away the troubles, such as getting inaccurate inform from the internet, anxious about Med Pass, NA, IP1, IP2...
To some people, the more they know (but not completely), the higher level of anxiety they will have.

(I just hope they can meet an immigration consultant, who can do his job right)
True but even when you decide to use an immigration consultant, you still need to do research and find the good ones from the scum! A consultant is not required for immigration but even if someone chooses to go to a consultant, atleast choose the right one?

Do you know MOST of the consultants worldwide have outsourced it to companies in Canada like Canadim and Campbell Cohen? People are not even aware of this! These shady consultants take the money and then they outsource it to a proper consultant or lawyers in Canada since many of these so called consultants can't afford to keep their own lawyer in Canada! That's why in many cases, the authorized reps name in the profile doesn't match with the name of the consultant company! And this is also why, they always can't do much since they aren't even handling the case!

In many cases when things are delayed or you need answers to a specific question, the answer is, we will get back to you after checking with our lawyers in Canada. People don't know, these are not THEIR lawyers. This is the Canadian immigration company they have outsourced the work to!:D
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Champion Member
May 23, 2017
I used to go to my consultant's office every now and then to put pressure on them. They were very indifferent when I asked them anything on phone. That's why I had chosen a consultant in my city Pune itself so I can get things done faster.

Also I don't recommend getting into legal trouble with them. Remember they have your personal data...passport, degree certificates, etc. They might mess with it. Just get this all done and don't look back. Yes you can always warn other people of them.
Well it seems that MOST of th m behave this way and have O knowledge about anything.
So sorry for the experience you had gone through.
Even the agents outside India are same. They have NO idea about what's going on and rely on forums like these to gather information.
The IRCC clearly mentions on their website that you don't need a lawyer or a representative to apply for PR. Everything is there on their website.
Anything if you want to ask just email them and you will get a reply from IRCC directly.
Even after knowing all this, we have applied through an agent and that is as before EE started in Jan of 2015.
They could not even find the NOC for us in beginning and then we have to find and tell them.
Then once EE started, everything went smoothly online and we submitted all the documents on our own.
(All the money paid which was obviously upfront- half now , half after this nonsense.)
Money gone , lesson learned hard way.
Now waiting for PPR, after submitting all the documents including Medical's.
Don't loose hope and waste your energy fighting with them. All you loose is your peace and piece of your mind. They r professional crooks.
All the best to everyone waiting.
Thanks you guys.
I reckon you guys are right here, trying to stay calm and positive.:):)


Champion Member
May 23, 2017
You re funny :D I would probably do the same. What a bunch of losers who exploit peoples hopes and dreams oh just the worst kind!!! I am very surprised there are no laws that would protect the people from this kind of CRIMINAL ACTIVITY.

We are all girls, in fact I realised almost 60-70% of the forum are women! Does that mean we are better at consulting? ;) For example, this post is clearly written by an angry woman, I can almost imagine her yelling at the consultants: : )))) And she is right, if people would react to these frauds, there wouldnt be so much of them!! We must fight for the better world!!

Been wondering about this too :) maybe I should put a kitten in my signature :p then there would be no mistakes.
Thank you astral, you couldn't be more right:):). (About these thugs and regarding women on this forum;)).


Champion Member
May 23, 2017
For my PCC from India, i got a PCC certificate as well as a stamp on my passport. This should be ok right? got it on 10th april. Heard they dont stamp the passport anymore.
Yes, they have stopped stamping passports now, as long as your PCC is from PSK you are good to go.


Champion Member
Apr 29, 2016
Congrats! I'm super tense because I fear I'm going to get a medical rejection due to my Crohn's disease which requires expensive medication. My plan is to keep paying for my national health care and travel periodically to pick up a supply, but I read that Canada only allows you to enter the country with a 90 day supply. I wonder if I could authorize family members who visit me in Canada to bring medication for me...

Does anyone know if takes the same amount of time to receive medical rejections as it takes to receive an acceptance?

Will I probably get it today regardless?

Thanks dear, yeah you must be getting it in a day or two. Yesterday they passed many applicants. they definitely speeding up things.
Regarding medicals I think answers given by @astralsource and @johnsyk are correct. Hopefully all goes well for you my friend.
Do share the update with us, we all will be happy for you.
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Champion Member
Apr 29, 2016
Thank you dear.
I hope that moron comes soon, i am so so pi**ed.
Moreover you guys will be shocked what transpired today- I called them and asked them that okay if my agent is on leave, call him/her ask my login id and tell me about my status. Another dumba## answers, don't worry Mam we are very up to date with the process its taking 2.5 months for medical pass. I think of jail, and stop myself from getting out of phone and killing her:mad:. i very politely tell her that lady this very very old news, medicals are being passed at 37-40 days as of last week. then she still is persistant on her stupidity, "no no mam i know we check all applicants on daily basis" I am super mad at this point and tell her to check my status and revert as that is what i am paying her for. She tells me okay i will e-mail you, I wait for an e-mail till 4 PM, none. i call nobody answers. now I am going there tomorrow and hell is going to break loose for them. I am putting a reminder on my phone for every minute " that jail time will not suit me" so that i don't kill anyone and reduce some amount of stupidity on outr planet.
This makes me mad too, how daily innocent people are robbed of their hard earned money by these people. I so understand the fear of loosing a dream and how these people manipulate you to think that you need their services, even though one might be very competent enough to do on their own.

But, You are right jail time won't suit you, haahahahahahha.
Jokes apart, I guess the best thing here to do is just get your work done from them, as you are stuck now with them. Go their physically and keep pestering them (stay calm inside, don't let these people's negativity affect your peace), they will give you the details, i'm sure. We have no other option here my friend. Hoping to hear your update soon.
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Champion Member
May 23, 2017
This makes me mad too, how daily innocent people are robbed of their hard earned money by these people. I so understand the fear of loosing a dream and how these people manipulate you to think that you need their services, even though one might be very competent enough to do on their own.

But, You are right jail time won't suit you, haahahahahahha.
Jokes apart, I guess the best thing here to do is just get your work done from them, as you are stuck now with them. Go their physically and keep pestering them (stay calm inside, don't let these people's negativity affect your peace), they will give you the details, i'm sure. We have no other option here my friend. Hoping to hear your update soon.
Yeah you are absolutely right. I am already at their office, waiting, let's see what happens,, will update you guys as soon as there is some news.
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Champion Member
Sep 24, 2016
NOC Code......
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
IELTS Request
Med's Request
Med's Done....
Yeah you are absolutely right. I am already at their office, waiting, let's see what happens,, will update you guys as soon as there is some news.
Be afraid. Be Very Afraid People.
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Champion Member
Sep 24, 2016
NOC Code......
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
IELTS Request
Med's Request
Med's Done....
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.
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