Application type: PR Family Class (spouse)
Applied on 24th Feb 2024
Mar 12th, 2024: IRCC received my document
April 15th: Received biometrics letter
April 16th : Eligibility completed
April 17th: Invitation to pre-arrival services
April 23rd : Medicals completed
May 3rd: Gave my biometrics
***** raised a web form for update**********
Oct 10th: Background verification completed
Oct 11th: When I opened my application status tracker at the top right corner, it showed that it had been updated on 11th Oct. However, there were no major updates, so I casually pressed DOCUMENTS STATUS, where I saw COPR details for the first time (like document number, expiry number, etc.)
Oct 16th: I received an email from IRCC asking me to reply with basic information like Name, Height, Eye Color, UCI, and original entry date....... I replied on the same day
Oct 17th: I received the same mail again asking me to reply with basic information like Name, Height, Eye Color, UCI, and original entry date.......
Is there any issue that I received the same email twice?
And what would be the next step?