Its very understandable, but somehow we choose to ignore.
Report on Systemic Racism and Discrimination In Canadian Refugee and Immigration Policies - if the evil was there 25yrs back, should we be naive enough to believe that it has not involved into something more sinister which ensures its presence and growth within the organization under their loopy-droopy policies.
Who is working on your files? Only a portion of your file is actually looked at in international Visa offices like London or Abu Dhabi or Dar-es-Salaam. NDVO and Phillipines are different and have been authorized to work differently and the exponential rate of visa churn proves that. Things have started to slow down there as well, welcome to the waiting room.
What portion of your files takes longer? Its the background and eligibility - which is done by CSIS, RCMP and CBSA - all are in house - and they all put your files at the bottom of their daily to-do list (metaphorically speaking, think about teams, individual officers, hours spent, other dedicated resources)>
Other remaining part of our applications, is actually worked on in local offices "PROCESSING" centers like Sydney, Vergeville & Halifax....its the "True North"...(NO PUN INTENDED!)
Look in google where are these places and whats the demographic of people living there. They are the ones working in those centers too. They have a lot going against immigration and they dont care if you are a student, or Canadian Citizen sponsoring your 'foreign' spouse. You just happen to be a "file", a person who will take away their job in Tim Hortons, TD, or end up taking their job in health care.
So they will do whatever they can to f...up your life.....if that's slowing down your Spousal PR ----so be it! If it forces you to end the relation or leave Canada and live somewhere else to save your marriage, while impacting your career and job.....they dont give a $hit!
If they have literally burned files of immigrants somewhere back around 2005, just to record their protest for raising their Hourly think they will think twice in
-deleting your files from the system, or
-typing slow..or
-scheduling 6-12 months ahead for interview
-delaying working on your file for 6-12 months, just cuz an officer was 'absent'....and your file was lost in the system for a while...? (this was reported just last week on this forum).
The idea is to Discourage and Disrupt the flow of immigration to Canada.
You dont believe it? Just go to a Tim Hortons next to a case processing center - and see what they talk about when they huddle there.
As long as Canadian Citizens & PRs, who are the Sponsors of Spousal PR applications, do not initiate law suits against CIC and start naming officers of certain Visa offices - this will continue. And yes, its very easy to respond by saying, oh there is lot of influx of application - SHUT the damn door, just like you do it in other 'immigration streams' every year and every quarter.
Stop taking applications - and stop taking money....if you cannot handle it.