I found this thread when I was searching for anything related to Singapore Clearance Certificate when applying from overseas because it's a bit tricky in the first place because of the fingerprints.
I want to emphasize that luckily I found this thread and it was really informative and finally I was able to get hold of my COC on time.

My COC requirement was related to US Visa.
Here is my timeline (year 2023)
22 May -
Applied for
25 May -
Appeal Approved
26 May -
Took fingerprint impressions before a Notary Public
---- I waited for Spouse's COC appeal approval until 7th June to courier both fingerprints. No delays from COC Office ----
7 June -
Applied for
COC and Paid (COC status changed to
Pending for fingerprint impressions)
7 June -
Sent fingerprint impressions from Sweden via Registered Post(NOT RECOMMENDED. USE DHL EXPRESS)
19 June -
Fingerprints delivered to COC Office
22 June - Changed COC status to
In progress
28 June - Changed COC status to
---- While applying I selected to be delivered to Sweden by registered mail. But I could see that SPF takes a longer time to mail according to previous updates from this thread

28 June -
Sent an
authorization letter via email to SPF(
SPF_COC_Office@spf.gov.sg) requesting to hand over the COC to a friend who is in Singapore. It's important to send the same letter to the friend so he can offer that while collecting.
3 July -
COC collected by the friend (Proxy friend should collect the COC before SPF mails the doc and if the visa interview date is approaching etc.)
3 July - SPF emailed that my application is
Approved and they will mail it in about 2 days (We already collected

). They mentioned that it may take 2-3 weeks to reach you via mail.

7 July - Arranged
DHL Express pickup and
send to Sweden
10 July -
Delivered to Sweden and collected on the same day
Tips for faster COC approval
1. Add your name exactly appear as in your E-pass or S-pass
2. Check and confirm the details multiple times before applying
3. Use the exact
Fingerprint Form provided by COC
4. Use "
Other Documents" field in COC appeal form to attach all the supporting documents.
In our case, my spouse had to attach our marriage certificate and all other supporting documents as a single PDF to convince the COC office since I was the primary visa applicant and the Consular email requesting a police certificate addressed to my name only.
(My spouse applied for a COC appeal without proper docs the first time and was delayed, so I prepared all the docs and reapplied and got the new appeal approval within 3 days.)
The trick is that you can apply multiple COC
Appeals if you see it's getting delayed(more than 3 - 4 working days)

5. Attach the payment invoice while you send the fingerprint impressions to COC
6. SPF will not reply to emails immediately. It may take at least 5 - 10 working days

So make sure to do your homework and follow the process properly.
7. Prefer to check the
Appeal and COC status every day to save time and move to the next step faster.
SPF may not send any emails regarding any updates at all or sometimes it will take more than 3 working days just to send an automated status update. So weird.
Thanks for
abroad73 and
vakulg for the perfect info and timeline.
Hope this will help someone. Make sure to apply at least 1-2 months before so you will not encounter sudden surprises.