I posted this separately but didn't get reply.
For Super visa application can please someone give me these informations:
* How much money do you have for your stay in Canada? (In Canadian dollars - CAD) - Do we have to show full amount in the bank? I would say depending on the length of their stay as well as whether you are renting or owning a home to host them. If it is the latter, you can probably budget about $1000 each month for each parent to be safe. This abides by the LICO requirements set by the government. So i would say for both parents if you can show at least $20K combined you would be fine.
* Does it have to be equal the low income cut-off (LICO) threshold? Do we have to show the money in bank or LICO is only required how much the person who inviting earns in year? The best thing obviously would be to show that your financial health exceeds and surpasses the criteria set by the LICO. Generally speaking, if you upload your T4 statements and the NOA for 2021 and if you can demonstrate you have made a good income then that would suffice.
* How to write a good Letter of Invitation and what informations are vital to get approved? There isn't a right or wrong way about doing this. However, I would include as much detail about your and your partner's employment, income, condition of living, amount of savings, the duration of your parents' stay, and any points you may have that would support their claim to return home at the end of their stay.
* A copy of a letter from the person that you will depend on financially during your stay in Canada.- Can this be divided between the person coming and person inviting? This is the same as the letter above. You can mention in your letter whether you will be paying for their room and board and other expenses.
* What is a good amount to show? I would say around $20K or more. The more the merrier since the government does not like people to depend on them or even present the slight risk to burden the healthcare industry in the case of a medical emergency.
* What is a good Canadian insurance company for Super visa?
* Is it good to pay Premium at once? As of July 4, 2022 you must fully pay your insurance premium for the entire year.
* Can super visa be rejected? What can be the reason of rejection if it happens? As a rude MP assistant told me, "coming to Canada is a privilege and not a right". They can reject your visa if they believe your parents will not go back. Mine has unfortunately been rejected numerous times since my parents are in Afghanistan and so we have had had to provide a ton of supportive documentation.
Best of luck and if you need any other help please reach out.
Thank You