Hello All,
I've been in a similar boat as many of you and the frustration is real. I'm a March 2020 applicant! and STILL waiting for the oath ceremony. My status online showed complete for everything except 'Citizenship Ceremony' since December 2021. Sometime in the last 2 weeks my 'background check' has turned to 'In Progress'. I contacted my local MP in May and they had got the GCMS notes for me and metioned that my fingerprints would expire and Immigrtion may or may not ask me for it and I should wait and see. (How is this even okay to maybe re-ask for documents due to their own delays.....

Anyway, anger aside, I'm thiking if I should take the old fingerprint request letter and go get RCMP fingerprints again and have then send it to CIC even though they haven't asked for it yet. Does anyone have any thoughts or suggestions or experience around this?
I'm also thinking of calling and asking what to do even though this may not work. Has anyone had any luck calling?
Thanks in Advance!