I mean that I want to recieve any/all information about my citizenship application through my email from the IRCC. I won't believe such news from someone on an online forum. If IRCC has any news, they'd give it to the applicants directly. I know that other online applicants from November took their tests and finished background checks months ago. No reason for the IRCC to randomy stop processing the remaining applications.
My express entry PR application faced similar bumps on the road. I was using this forum, was part of a similar spreadsheet with other applicants who applied at the same time as me, and others still had their applications processed quicker than me. There was nothing I could do about it except wait. But I won't read about someone saying that IRCC just closed up shop and stopped processing online citizenship applications and just believe it. We paid our fees and submitted our docs, they won't simply right-click and delete our files. People will get mad and sue and it gives a bad reputation to the IRCC which they don't need. They're already known for being slow, I'll just stick to that.
I believe you misunderstood what is being said in this forum. Basically, NO ONE said that IRCC would stop processing our applications. It just said, that based on the information received through ATIP at the time, the online applicants between Sept 2021 through March 2022 are being delayed. No-one knows why. But judging by the number of people posting their grievances in the forum, there is a pattern that cannot be ignored. Those of us who had been delayed while seeing those paper apps from the same period (and even later periods )moving faster, as per the spreadsheet, were asking and theorizing whether the paper apps move faster at this point. The delay in online apps could be temporary due to the 2.4 million applications Backlog that IRCC is currently experiencing (all immigrations & citizenship applications combined) or it could be something that will take months and years to solve due to any reason (short staffing, lack of training, technical difficulties in the new system for online citizenship etc..). Hence the concern among those of us who opted for online applications.
Per the ATIP files obtained by someone in this forum, it looks like the delay among the online cohort of citizenship applications is real (nobody again knows why). From people posting here through ATIP, some online applications haven't even started processing despite the fact that it says that they are in progress (hence the questioning by the members here about the veracity of the info posted o the tracker and the seriousness of IRCC in processing our applications).
I trust the people in this forum. No-one has a stake in lying and posting bullshit in here. I guess all of us care to have an idea how the processing goes, thus share this with us so that people who have been delayed can contact and try to get an answer from IRCC. That's all the point there is. I agree again that we have no other choice but to wait. Like everyone before us. At the end of the day, everyone will get the citizenship if their application meets the requirements. However our concerns are tangible and need to be heard by IRCC. So we all hope IRCC listens to our concerns and processes our applications within a reasonable timeframe. 27 months is way too long. 2019 applicants (from the Oct 2019- to April 2020) have suffered the most as they had waited almost 3 years to get the citizenship. I hope we don't become like them, the scapegoats of circumstances that have nothing to do with us. In the case of 2019, we understand that 2 years of Covid disruptions have delayed these applicants, but in our case, it appears that we chose to apply on the wrong platform (online) that was not ready for our influx (it looks like our numbers are not even high but still we got delayed). Now it looks like online citizenship apps will become the norm at one point, and paper apps will be phased out, based again on the ATIP papers obtained and shared by someone in this forum. However till then, we don't know how long it will take us to move forward.
One thing for sure is that we have to wait. In my case, I am going about my life and not thinking too much about the citizenship application

It'll come whenever that is the case. The only issue is renewing the PR card. I was recommended to renew it when the time comes. This entails time and cost and makes traveling outside of Canada very difficult, especially in the case of family emergency around the time when the card is not ready (God forbid: death or illness or caring for someone close). I don't want to think about these scenarios. They are just scary and upsetting, and they happened to several people who were not able to reunite with their families during time of PR delayed renewal.
I still hope that I will be able to get my citizenship by November this year if they start processing us timely. I ordered ATIP and still didn't get them. It looks like test invites are being sent to people with AORs in the Dec 17-20th dates. I hope people can update the spreadsheet as this gives us a clear idea of how things are moving. While we know that each case is different, it won't hurt to see at least a benchmark for dates (an approximation thereof). That is the whole point of this open source effort and this effort. I personally appreciate everyone's contribution in here.