i had religious wedding but its just at that point my husband’s file was already in pool so we didn’t sign the marriage form after that we were living together but now he is going to sponsoring me so i need to show them wedding and all
I am going to do court marriage
But if i need photos and all new then i have to do it everything again right?
I know almost nothing about your situation, esp which country (which might be important for cultural reasons, but if I understand correctly:
-you had religious wedding and not civil - and after the religious you resided together for ~two years.
-Go ahead and have your civil (court) wedding, and show pictures from both weddings, with the dates they actually happened. Explain this all in a short letter of explanation.
-also show information showing you lived together.
Note: I'm assuming you did not become legally married OR become common law (12 months residing together beginning the date you resided together) before he became a PR (before he landed or received the status of PR).
If he became a PR before either of those dates, you have far bigger problems because he did not disclose you as his spouse. The date of 'being in the pool' does not matter, but the date he became a PR.
Further note: country/culture may be important so my comments tentative. Where was the religious ceremony/what religion/where will you do the court wedding? Where have you been residing together?