Hi everyone!
Just a scenario: I don't have AOR email from CIO yet. CIO received my application DEC-03,2015
I asked an agency (they require some payment, $20.00 as I remember) that they can help me check the status of my application within 45days.
I received the email from this agency and the DETAILED INFORMATION of my application or GCMS (GLobal Case Mngt System).
And I was surprised that it already has:
UCI/PARTY ID: T000000000000 (T followed by 12 numbers)
APPLICATION#: XEP00000000 (XEP followed by 8 numbers)
Does this mean that my application is ON PROCESS?

I checked ECAS but nothing, maybe because AOR is not sent to me yet?
Please if anyone same experience as mine, please lighten me up!
Thanks in advance!