You are exaggerating the situation! I have friends and family in Turkey who live a safe and happy life!
If I remember correct you live in Istanbul. I would understand your concern if you lived somewhere near the Syrian border...
Anyhow, playing this "I am in danger" game won't get you in the front of the line - CIC won't buy it so just give up. Just be patient and stay strong... When your turn comes your file will be processed. Check the Ankara spreadsheet and you will get a sense of when you can expect for an update.
hmmm,what kind of game are U talking about?who said U that I referee this to cic?because ur friends and ur family live nice in turkey it doesn't mean all people live the same way...if U live in the Asian side having money turkey is a nice place.if U live in a place like me U will not like believe me...and its too different to see a country from the option of turism...if U live there everything changes...why did U attack me like this?don't understand...and turkey soon will be in disaster,that's what I cam see....