Mr russ i was in uk before on student visa right i got (uk) visa from india 2011 to 2013 i lived there its on paper then i want to extend visa later so i put me file for student visa for extension within uk and it was fake college and uk home office was holding me passport because of fake college my visa got denied then i appeal it in the court tha case goes on than they send me letter for removal than i appeal the case goes on and this part yeah goes for like 3 years so its from 2014 to 2016 and in 2016 i withdraw my case and came back voluntary with my flight money right than in 2019 i got this job offer from hotel as a chef right from Canada i got everything papers work my experience certificates all that right but they asking me on me personal history where your been this 3 years so I have to tell them right so i just waana know im well experience chef are they goona reject my lmia work permit for my past of uk stuff and why so i have not doing anyting wrong to Canadian govt canadian people offering me job right whats its going ro be