Hi there ONEKEIZ! Sorry for the late replay.. i didnt notice that you quote my post. Hehe
-My employer is from Calgary, the LMO application was processed in Ontario... they got the positive result after 4 weeks.
-the cic website says that the process is 5 months but i've seen some posts here that it took them 2-3 months... and that is quite a trend now. So hopefully it will not take us 5 months to do the process specially for online application.
-it depends on you if you want to renew your contract... you also have another choice... you can go exit after submitting your application then transfer your application in manila in case that you dont want to renew your contract here in saudi... i heard some who did this... and one of our forumates here is planning to send her passport from philippines coz she's also planning to go exit... diba ajt?

kaway kaway. Hehe