My visa has been approved..
here is my time line.. I'm here in Abu Dhabi
July 29 2013 ( Embassy confirmed that they have received all the COMPLETE document) It should be completed... VAC in abu Dhabi had helped me..
they told me that processing time would take 4 to 6 months..
you can not call the embassy, you can only call VAC for follow up..
August 2013 (no response)
Sepetmber 2013 (none)
October 2013 (none)
November 2013 (none)
December 2013 (none)
January 2014 (none)
February 13, 2014 - responded for medical examination (embassy of Canada in UAE personally emailed me)
you have to do medical exam within 60 days.. if not the application will be cancelled
Feb 16 - Medical Examination done at Al noor Hospital (can go to Dubai, etc depends on you.. it should be medical center that has been approved by the canadian embassy)
Feb 19 - Medical Exam passed.. results was sent by the Clinic to Canadian Embassy
Feb 26 - Received an email from Canadian embassy - For Visa Stamping..
March 1- 19, 2014 - I went for vacation...
March 20, 2014 - I Submitted my passport to VAC...
March 27, 2014 - I collected my passport form VAC.. (with work permit stamp.. valid for 2 years.. can trael within these dates)

8 moths total??? i am november applicant ,i have also submitted in vac abu dhabi personally..still no info from them ..finger crossed long they take to informed ..LMO already expired last feb 16..bit worried :