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will US deportation case be reported in FBI police certificate?


Jun 24, 2007
Dear Folks,
Here is my case:
I entered USA with H1-B (Work) visa.
I could not maitain my visa status because of losing my job
I arrested by immigration and released with $10,000 bond
They put me in deportation process
I fought my case and finaly left USA with volanteer deportation
Now I am in my country for 2 years and want to go to canada

I was wondering my FBI police clearance will mention my deportation case or just lists criminal records? and will that effect my canada immigration case to result in refusal? Can I not mention I was in USA while filing for canada because my last passport is expired and I have received a new passport? does canada immigration office check with FBI whether someone had been in USA before or not?
I do appreciate your attention


May 8, 2007
Voluntary departure and deportation are 2 different things.

If you were deported, it will show on FBI records.


Champion Member
Apr 7, 2007
One of the questions asked in the PR application is whether you've ever been ordered to leave Canada or any other country. If you say "yes," you have to explain the circumstances. If you say "no," you'll be perjuring yourself and could, if Canadian Immigration ever found out, have your permanent residence or citizenship revoked.


Jul 3, 2007
Hello To all

I was reading this topic and I have a query to make,I have lived and Workked Legally in the following countries US UK and NZ.

however in NZ I was married there and when i got separated my now ex wife informed inmmigration and my permit was revoked and i was gien 6 weeks toleeave the country I have been told by the NZ Immigration that I AM NOT BANNED form New Zeland as I left own will before my permitt expires,they even extend me oer those initial 6 weeks to allow me to remain in the country for 3 months as I need to Sell my home my car close my bussiness etc etc etc.

I was not "Asked" to leave as in such, does a Permit Revokation counts as "been asked to leave" and i have been on my home country for over a month now and Recently got form the NZ Authorities:

1.- A Police Certificte that i dont have any records there
2.- An Invitation to apply for Residency (as my skills are in high demand)

also My ex wife sign me a Letter Adressed to the CIC releasing me form any responsbility andexpressig that she has no obections for me to enter Canada as we hav eno pending issues at all.

what should I do??
thanks in advance