If your parents are living in Alberta! well then thats the automatic choice. Double plus, you get to live at your parents home, they will help you and your new wife take care of the baby and get settled in. Parental support is very crucial especially with a new born and in your case with a new wife settling in a new country. This is an opportune time to use it. Also remember, if there are any complications with your baby (god forbid) then all that is covered freely under alberta. I dont see anything wrong with landing Alberta and staying there for a bit. You are technically a resident there (by virtue of your parents-birthplace).And your kid is Canadian and deserves some free coverage!!!
Some people here were saying oh that its beating the system..well how is it beating the system? the kid is freaking canadian. And that we all have to go through red tape. Well why should the spouse of a canadian suffer? I was reading a message by Matthew C and you know what? 2 Foreign nationals have more rights in this country than a Canadian and Foreign Spouse. Yep. See when the foreign national applies for Permanent Residency, his wife comes with him AND SHE gets an open work permit too! Compared to a canadian spouse who can come but cannot work with a visitor visa! So for these 2 happy foreign nationals Life goes on as usual. Its the spouses of Canadians that suffer and suffer through loss of income, loss of time together , lawyers, appeals, missed birthdays, missed times together...
So lifer, find out all you can, i don't wantto see you in a black hole because of 10,000 down the drain for what should be free for your spouse, you can take that money instead and invest in something else for the kid (his university fund

I know i will get negative karma for this...but the system continues to cheat real couples and makes its easier for everyone else to get a free ride!