kuri43jestin said:
I already got admitted to Conestoga for this January intake.
My consultant told me that it is very difficult to get admission in a university with this profile. So I decided to go for pg diploma.
Also he told me that university education is very expensive and very difficult to find a job after m.eng.
Is it true??
My advice for anyone that is enrolling into a STEM degree, do a lot of research and compare the options available. It is important to enroll in a program that guarantees you access to real world situations as part of its curriculum in addition to the required internship. This sets you up to work on real client projects (during your learning process) which gives you the opportunity to network with people that are actively employed in your area of study, which in turn increases your chances of obtaining employment if you prove to be good at what you do and play your cards right. The key is getting the opportunity to build relationships (networking) and using those relationships to the full (getting your foot in).
Also, if you have no summer school, instead of going around touring the country, find internship openings - to get a job, you must find a way of getting your foot in the door way before you graduate.
So it may be difficult, but you may need to make sure your going about it the right way before you wave your white flag. You have to be smart, you must be ready to deviate from the traditional methods i.e. got to school, graduate then job hunt.