Since 2009.
Most birth control pills are only effective if they are taken everyday at the same time of day. If you're even 6 hours off, it counts as a miss. Miss two days and you might as well throw away the rest of the cycle. I think a lot of people have a false sense of security with the pill.... can't tell you how many people I know who don't understand how to take it properly and then are surprised when they get pregnant. Not saying this was your case at all.... it just amazes me people aren't more careful with such an important issue! I had to dig deeply into the issue because I am terrible at remembering pills. (Which reminds me, I need to go take my vitamin.... I forgot again!) The pill really isn't for "everyone" as doctors try to tell us.
Doctors also really need to be better educated. For one thing, no one should ever be given the artifical hormone in the depo shot. It's made from pregnant horse pee. If I had known that in the beginning, I never would've put that crap in my body.
But, now thanks to depo, I don't need BC at all........ oh well
Back to the actual issue *puts soapbox away*........ What province are you? Are you applying Inland or Outland? You can look at private health insurance, but most won't pay for a woman if she's already pregnant. In fact, most require you to buy an very expensive maternity rider and then wait 8-10 months before it kicks in. She should definitely look into it, because she might find something offered in Nigeria that works better.