I applied under skilled worker as (Nursing Instructor) but thy reject my application as ther i no Job offer attached to my application, the mentioned that my occupation not in minister 38 occupations list, but befor I applied I checked (Nursing Instructor) is mentioned under: College and other Vocational Instructor(NOC 4131) in Human Resources and Skilled Development Canada website:
please check the following link
this link will show you the list below, her occupation appears by red colour):
I beleive there is mistake, they should not reject my application, anybody tell me what I should do.
waiting your answers
I applied under skilled worker as (Nursing Instructor) but thy reject my application as ther i no Job offer attached to my application, the mentioned that my occupation not in minister 38 occupations list, but befor I applied I checked (Nursing Instructor) is mentioned under: College and other Vocational Instructor(NOC 4131) in Human Resources and Skilled Development Canada website:
please check the following link
I beleive there is mistake, they should not reject my application, anybody tell me what I should do.
waiting your answers