i agree some of ur points but disagree some. there is no incentive for companies to hire foreign workers/open work permit holders. the fact that we got a job(we on open work permit) proves that there r no canadians who could do or are qualified for the job we got. Hence my argument that we will be competing with people from outside canada. now if they wont hire us(as no PR) and they wont hire people from out side canada and no canadians want that job companies will go without that position being filled and suffer in long run. Companies in an exaggerated example will close down shop.
i agree some of ur points but disagree some. there is no incentive for companies to hire foreign workers/open work permit holders. the fact that we got a job(we on open work permit) proves that there r no canadians who could do or are qualified for the job we got. Hence my argument that we will be competing with people from outside canada. now if they wont hire us(as no PR) and they wont hire people from out side canada and no canadians want that job companies will go without that position being filled and suffer in long run. Companies in an exaggerated example will close down shop.