GCMS - Global Case Management System.
We all know that if your order one, you will get a complete process history and status with an explanation. However, why should it be a process to be handled by a 3rd party? As an applicant shouldn't we be entitled to know this information from within the IRCC website in our account? Howcome a 3rd party company will have access to our details? At what stage during the VISA process should we apply for GCMS notes?
Please explain?
We all know that if your order one, you will get a complete process history and status with an explanation. However, why should it be a process to be handled by a 3rd party? As an applicant shouldn't we be entitled to know this information from within the IRCC website in our account? Howcome a 3rd party company will have access to our details? At what stage during the VISA process should we apply for GCMS notes?
Please explain?