PLEASE HELP: What company to purchase Health Insurance for IEC from withinCanada
Is there a minimum requirement on the coverage of IEC Health insurance?
An option was sent to me online which says:
The cheapest option is a No Pre-Ex policy with a posted price of $985.50. If you reduce coverage to $10K and the deductible to $1,000, the price will change to $382.52.
Is the coverage to $10K and and the deductible to $1,000 acceptable by IEC to issue the work permit?
Below is some description of the policy:
Managed by The Destination Travel Group Inc.
Underwriter CUMIS General Insurance Company, a member of The Co-operators group of companies.
Choice of insurance amount Hospitalization and Medical Services---------up to the maximum sum insured for semi-private room, doctors, private nurse, etc.
Paramedical services (Chiropractor, etc.)---$500 per profession
Pre-existing medical conditions----------------No Coverage.
Stable period for pre-existing conditions-----N/A
Emergency Air Return Home--------------------Up to $3,000 for the additional cost of a one-way economy transportation
Follow-up Visits--------------------------------------Up to $3,000 for follow-up visits
Meals and Accommodation----------------------Up to $150 per day to a maximum of $1,500 when hospitalized
Prescription Medication----------------------------Up to $500 not exceeding a one-month supply
Dental---------------------------------------------------$3000 (injury) + $500 pain
Ambulance Services--------------------------------ground or air
Nurse or Attendant----------------------------------Private duty services of a registered graduate nurse up to $10,000
Cremation at Place of Death---------------------$4,000 maximum.
Return of deceased---------------------------------$10,000 maximum.
Transportation of Relative or Friend------------Up to $3,000 to transport family/friend and up to $1,000 for their meals and accommodation.
Air Flight Accident------------------------------------$50,000.
Accidental Death & Dismemberment----------Up to policy limit sum insured or maximum of $150,000 (whichever is less).
Availability----------------------------------------------Ages 0-79
Refundable prior to departure-------------------100% if visa is denied. Otherwise, there is a $150 admin fee.
Partially refundable - for early return-----------Yes. Pro-rated basis.$25.00 administration fee and a minimum refund of $25.00
Trip break - allows quick trip home-------------No, policy ends when insured returns to home country.
Available after arrival in Canada-----------------Yes. 48 hour waiting period on illness if purchased after arrival in Canada.
Choice of Deductible $0, $250, $500, $1000; $0 is standard.