After how much time they refused? Can you share content?Reconsideration refused
After how much time they refused? Can you share content?Reconsideration refused
at which IRCC office did u raise the webform for reconsideration ?I got my visa by raising a webform for reconsideration
You don't choose the office. You submit a webform and it will be sent to the appropriate which IRCC office did u raise the webform for reconsideration ?
at which IRCC office did u raise the webform for reconsideration ?Hi! Can you please share your timeline ? I sent a webform for reconsideration two weeks ago. Two days ago i saw my status changing from Refused to Profile Updated for three times until it went back to Refusali am so confused ! Please help
As our applications are processed in Singapore office, I submitted it to that office. is it OK or should I submit it to IRCC main contact webworm link now ?You don't choose the office. You submit a webform and it will be sent to the appropriate person.
please share your details of application and which IRCC office did u raise the webform for reconsideration ?
at which IRCC office did u raise the webform for reconsideration ?Hey
I got visa refusal and I raised webform. After one week I got this reply “your file has been sent immigration officer” and after that email I have received nothing. It’s been 55days and I’ve also sent them a reminder. Is this normal due to covid? Should I wait more?
at which ircc webform link did u submit it ?Hi, I secured a fully funded master's scholarship and my visa was refused on 1 April. Then I applied for reconsideration on 24 April and got their email on 28 April:
Almost 30 days are passed and they have not responded yet. What should I do now?
Thank you
Bro ,from which country did u apply and at which ircc webform link did u submit the reconsideration request ?I was recently on call with IRCC and they have confirmed that my re-consideration request have been received by the Visa office Edmonton. IRCC said to wait for the response and the refusal we received was error since it is not applicable to my country. She said they will probably re-open and reassess the file again.
at which ircc webform link did u submit the request ?This is to inform you that your request for reconsideration of the refusal of your application has been reviewed. The delegated official has reviewed the contents of your message, the application and the refusal decision. Based on a review of all of these factors, an error in fact, in law, or in procedural fairness has not occurred and your file will not be re-opened.
No further reconsideration requests will be considered within this application.
We trust that the above information will be of assistance to you.
Update on our reconsideration case-
We got a reply on our web form that on 30th June, 2022
Thank you for contacting Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC).
We have verified the information you provided and can confirm that the agent who responded to you on June 20, 2022, took the appropriate actions to follow up on your request.
Due to COVID-19, IRCC is experiencing processing delays and we can't give accurate processing times for most types of applications. Our ability to review and process applications is also being affected.
Rest assured that we are making all the necessary efforts to finalize your application as soon as possible, and that you will be informed when a decision is reached or if additional information is needed.
We hope the information provided is helpful in assisting you with your enquiry.
Ircc admits that it's possible that they have made mistake
Also we will be re-applying the file side by side. Will keep you posted.