Wouldn't the disqualification affect the sponsored parties application rather than the sponsors application? I mean, I was approved as sponsor in a conjugal application if I follow that logic if I was deemed to be in a conjugal relationship would it not then stand to reason that my partner was in a conjugal relationship?
If they looked at the burden of proof at the sponsor application stage then if I was approved as being a conjugal relationship with my partner how could my partner not be approved to be in the same relationship.
I thought that part of the analysis was done later in the process, but I now am confused (more confused/again).
OP is probably applying as common law and as such must show a minimum of one year of living together. If rusbear and partner already had the minimum period oh living together then they can start the application process again.
I believe that Mississauga does not evaluate the relationship itself, just the sponsorship part and the legal formalities to see that it is a complete and qualifying application. The evaluation of the relationship itself, and the merits of the application, is done at the diplomatic post.