If we are applying as family, do we need to submit individual cover letter or just the head of the family and attach to each family member application?
If we are applying as family, do we need to submit individual cover letter or just the head of the family and attach to each family member application?
This is optional. Actually it is called Letter of Explanation, the part where you can explain anything to the Visa Officer regarding the application.
Examples are :
You don't have a marriage certificate and you opted for an affidavit
You lost your old passport and you attached old e-tickets and photos to prove you've travelled to some countries.
Or other situations...
Other applicants call it cover letter because it is as if you are talking to the Visa Officer.
The only type of cover letter I bothered to put in my application was a list of the documents in the PDF to guide the visa officer. Especially useful for the travel history part, to itemize/summarize the trips.