bfneedshelp said:
I have checked the website before and they said I need to apply 30 days before my visa expire but my marriage certificate is taking longer to receive than expected .So am thinking of applying for an extension with just a marriage solemnization record .i hope it works
Looking at previous posts of yours, it seems your husband is already a permanent resident.
In this case, I don't think you need to send a marriage certificate to extend your visitor status. That's only for people in other situations, for example if they're extending a work permit and they have their spouse, who is also foreign, accompanying them in Canada.
If you look at the checklist, it says to send a marriage certificate "if applicable." The only mention of a certificate in the guide (Form 5551) is the following:
Important: In order to benefit from provisions outlined in the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and Regulations for spouses or common-law partners of workers or students, you must provide proof of your relationship and status in Canada. You must provide a marriage certificate and birth certificates for any accompanying family members. If you are in a common-law relationship and your common-law spouse will accompany you to Canada, you must complete the enclosed form, Statutory Declaration of Common-Law Union (IMM 5409) (PDF, 18 KB). Also provide evidence outlined on the form to support your relationship.