Hi Milica,
Hopefully you will see your PPR soon

I flew with Austrian Airlines and both kids and I paid $1300 to Toronto one way.
British Airways/Air Serbia has the best deals to Toronto and Vancouver from Belgrade. My husband flew to Vancouver for $650 from Belgrade, one way.
Check with Anita/Stojana from AllSeasons.org(Hamilton) or Natasha from Omega Travel in Vancouver.(3230 West Broadway,
Vancouver, BC V6K 2H4,tel. 604 738-7161, she's a very good friend of mine)
These ladies find awesome deals!!
Hubby and our oldest son got the SIN numbers last week, our oldest started working last week at his old job, we are registering are kids to school and daycare today. Everything is slowly getting back to normal

. Vancouver is beautiful as always.
All the best!