Hi guys,
I'm going through the Vienna office, too. I mailed the VO a couple of days before reminding them that I'm in 8th month of pregnancy at the moment and that I can travel up to the 36th week of my pregnancy. I asked them kindly if they are close to finish my file to let me know that, so I can make the travel arrangement and go to Canada to give a birth there.
I received a response from them this morning. And they told me that an interview has been scheduled for me at December 06, and that I should bring my passport and some more documents to establish that we are in a relationship. However, I'm really grateful to them for taking time for my case and situation, but I'm sooooo confused and I don't know what to do...
I don't know if they are going to issue me the Visa after the Interview, and if so how much would it take for them!? I'd like to reserve my tickets, and organize some stuff as well, but I really don't know what to do... Do I have to mention that every hour is extremely important to me because of my pregnancy...

I hope everything's gonna be fine so I can travel as soon as possible.