'Scotia is only tempting because of proof of fund thing" couldn't understand what is temptation ?
I opened account with TD bank on 2nd day of my Landing, and they opened very good account type with NO monthly fee, cash back credit card etc ...check TD bank website, do some research. With TD Bank account, ALL INCLUSIVE BANKING PLAN is worth...(unlimited transactions, no monthly fee and free small safety deposit box-although safety deposit box is quite small

For credit cards, there are many types; you should go for the credit card with no annual fee and some incentive.
Do some research before you are heading to Bank and insist that you are looking for account type with NO monthly charges and credit card with NO annual fee. By the way Credit card you will receive by post and takes almost 20 days. Before opening your bank account, have your home address with you...
Just be honest at what u bring with yourself, in goods and in cash too...
To tell you personally, when I came for good ( although it was not my first landing), my Goods to follow list was not well prepared and signed, didn't bring draft etc, had way over $10,000 CAD, had 6 cartons of stuff ( I was alone traveler- no family juz me). I had brought many things from UAE which was new...It took around 1.5 hour at Vancouver airport custom check for me, they opened my suitcase, and checked each and everything ...I declared on declaration card about money. It was not my first landing, and after my first landing, I had brought many new things.
They could have asked me to pay taxes according to what I had brought including LED TV (Which I should have not), but believe me
Yes, it took quite a while before they opened my suitcase. The only and only thing that saved me from paying an extra (tax) was honesty. This is what CBSA officer told me.. He told me straight away that there are many new things which you are brining in, and NOT declared on your Goods to Follow and your Good to follow list is also not organized and signed/stamp by officer when you previously landed but still we are NOT going to tax you for anything just to let you know that we really appreciate that you have been very honest. And I was.... Out of 6 cartons, they only opened 2, rest he said I know you are honest so I am not opening them , juz tell me what is inside.
He told me many people don't declare esp immigrants with the fear that it will be taxable... which is a misconception ....!
So my advise is
BE HONEST......! This will save you from headache, believe me if you are bringing $100,000 CAD, They don't care unless you declare them and have proof of legitimacy... (Salary slips, previous bank statements, car/house sold receipts, money exchange receipts), I brought money and declared and had everything to proof the source of income....
Regarding Goods to follow; Don't forget to get signed/stamp from CBSA officer on the Goods to follow form. If there are many items, organize them on excel sheet with item , description ( color, type, serial no) purchase date , quantity and amount (in CAD). Keep all receipts as much as u can especially jewellery. For Jewellery specify the exact description, carat, color, serial no(if any) and every detail u can, and most imp receipts (showing date of purchase). Anything you brought in before you are landing- there will be no tax. These above instructions were told to me by CBSA.
Procedure of landing is very simple, it is just first landing, new country so this is stressful....but don't confiscate the landing procedure by yourself...
Be Honest.....!
Please do
NOT hesitate to ask for any other issue you might want to including banking , Driving license etc, mobile/sim issues (by the way, when you off to ICBC center to open file for driving license, don't forget to get the MSP (Health insurance form) from ICBC ..
Small Advise :-
Prepare LIST TO DO IN CANADA , save on mobile; write each details eg : as above mention ICBC driving write MSP(Health insurance form to get), if bank ( write banking plan u want and how much credit card limit and type after your research)
Last but not least, to be honest I don't know about the money which you expected to bring in for your house sold, so cant advise you on that. But your house could be sold after your landing, so you can meet up some lawyer in here ( u can contact me once u land- know someone who can advise u on that ). But before your landing if your house is sold, bring money with you....
Good Luck