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Valid multiple visa in old passport. Can I enter Canada?


Oct 15, 2011
Hello! I am planning to travel to Toronto in two weeks. I have a multiple-entry visa to Canada in my old passport valid till Feb 15, 2012 which is the date that my old passport was valid for. I have also traveled to Canada many times in the past two years. Now that I got my new passport on hands old passport is no longer valid I guess. Can I travel with both passports and have my valid Canadian visa in the old passport or do I need to get a new visa in the new passport? I can't get a hold of Canadian embassy in NY to ask that question and I can't find any concrete answers on the web. I don't have enough time to get a new stamp since their processing times now went from 1 business day to 30 days. Please help. Thank you.

I found this section in ENF 4 Port of Entry Examinations, does this apply in my case too?:

13.15. Valid visas in expired passports
If an expired passport contains a valid visa counterfoil, the counterfoil can still be used since the
expiration of the passport has no effect on the visa's validity. Holders of a valid visa may continue
to use their visa until the date it expires even if the visa is in an expired passport. Visitors can fulfil
the visa and passport requirements by presenting both the renewed and expired passports
containing the valid visa counterfoil to a BSO when seeking entry into Canada. The Regulations
state that visas should not be issued longer than the validity of the passport. However, due to preIRPA cases, it is possible to encounter visas in expired passports.
It is not possible to "transfer" a valid visa into a new passport. If the holder of a valid visa wishes
to have a visa placed in their new passport or if the passport is deemed ‘not valid’ for political or
security concerns, visitors must apply for a replacement visa by submitting a new application and
paying the replacement document fee in accordance with R311(2).
If the applicant wishes to obtain a visa valid for a longer period in the new document, this will
constitute a new temporary resident visa application and any applicable fees resulting from this
new application will be collected. The previous visa will subsequently be cancelled.


Full Member
Sep 27, 2011
You can always transfer your valid visa from your old passport to your new passport by paying about $25 - 50 and then you can travel.

As far as I know the visa on your old passport is not valid untill your passport is valid.


Oct 15, 2011
I emailed Canadian embassy in NYC and received confirmation that I can travel with both passports.

I went to Canada few weeks ago traveling with both passports and the valid TRV being in my old passport. Had no problem!!!



Aug 5, 2014
Valid Single visa in old passport. Can I enter Canada?or I have to transfer to

I Have Single Entry(One) Valid Visa Valid up to Jan 2015

Dear Sir/Madam,

I have an Valid Visa Tourist Valid Up To Jan 2015 , Since my passport has less validity date or expire soon (but it expires after the visa expiry date) & I had applied for new passport, and they had taken application for renewal(Passport Officers) but they canceled my old passport ,

My Question is

DO I Have to take Both OLD and NEW Passport while traveling ?

Or there is any other formalities for the same.

Please guide me. I am Holding Indian Passport and I am citizen of India

Sandeep Luthra


VIP Member
Jun 30, 2005
Re: Valid Single visa in old passport. Can I enter Canada?or I have to transfer to


san66471 said:
I Have Single Entry(One) Valid Visa Valid up to Jan 2015

Dear Sir/Madam,

I have an Valid Visa Tourist Valid Up To Jan 2015 , Since my passport has less validity date or expire soon (but it expires after the visa expiry date) & I had applied for new passport, and they had taken application for renewal(Passport Officers) but they canceled my old passport ,

My Question is

DO I Have to take Both OLD and NEW Passport while traveling ?

Or there is any other formalities for the same.

Please guide me. I am Holding Indian Passport and I am citizen of India

Sandeep Luthra
Yes, because your TRV is in your old passport.


Aug 5, 2014

Can you explain in details, as I have spoken to local VFS Global People they have been saying that I have to apply for fresh visa in case of new passport since your Valid Tourist single entry visa was on old passport and that has canceled because you taken the new (Renewed) passport,

So your visa got canceled and now if you wish to travel either you have to apply renewal(Transfer) of visa on your new passport , or you have to apply for new VISA,

I have spoken to almost 30 people travel agent , Lufthansa , Airport People all are saying that I have to travel along with old as well as new passport that's it there will not be any problem , leaving VFS,

I got Confused ? High Commission is not reverting on mails and answering on phones .


VIP Member
Jun 30, 2005

san66471 said:

Can you explain in details, as I have spoken to local VFS Global People they have been saying that I have to apply for fresh visa in case of new passport since your Valid Tourist single entry visa was on old passport and that has canceled because you taken the new (Renewed) passport,

So your visa got canceled and now if you wish to travel either you have to apply renewal(Transfer) of visa on your new passport , or you have to apply for new VISA,

I have spoken to almost 30 people travel agent , Lufthansa , Airport People all are saying that I have to travel along with old as well as new passport that's it there will not be any problem , leaving VFS,

I got Confused ? High Commission is not reverting on mails and answering on phones .
1. VFS is wrong.
2. From the ENF 04 Manual

"13.15. Valid visas in expired passports
If an expired passport contains a valid visa counterfoil, the counterfoil can still be used since the expiration of the passport has no effect on the visa's validity. Holders of a valid visa may continue to use their visa until the date it expires even if the visa is in an expired passport. Visitors can fulfil the visa and passport requirements by presenting both the renewed and expired passports containing the valid visa counterfoil to a BSO when seeking entry into Canada. The Regulations state that visas should not be issued longer than the validity of the passport. However, due to pre-IRPA cases, it is possible to encounter visas in expired passports.
It is not possible to "transfer" a valid visa into a new passport. If the holder of a valid visa wishes to have a visa placed in their new passport or if the passport is deemed ‘not valid’ for political or security concerns, visitors must apply for a replacement visa by submitting a new application and paying the replacement document fee in accordance with R311(2).
If the applicant wishes to obtain a visa valid for a longer period in the new document, this will constitute a new temporary resident visa application and any applicable fees resulting from this new application will be collected. The previous visa will subsequently be cancelled.


Aug 5, 2014
Thank You Very Much for your guidance , But I advice people to stop misguide people who don't have information with giving wrong information they not only scared to candidate but they also force to take wrong step.

I have read the manual.


Star Member
Nov 4, 2013
Job Offer........
san66471 said:
Thank You Very Much for your guidance , But I advice people to stop misguide people who don't have information with giving wrong information they not only scared to candidate but they also force to take wrong step.

I have read the manual.
San66471 you need to be clear here

If you have a single entry visa and it is already used - You cannot use it again

If you have multiple entry visa then you are ok if you have both passports


Aug 5, 2014
Yes it is a single entry visa but I have not used it yet . means I have not travel on it . I got visa in this July and I may travel in next few months .

The visa is still not used and I can travel on it with old and new passport.

One more questions . as my visa valid till jan2015 . if i enter in Canada let say on December as per low I can stay up to 6 months . it means I can stay up to June . or as I have a visa expeire date Jan. I have to come back before the expire date . or stay will be valid for six month from the date in enter in Canada .


VIP Member
Jun 30, 2005

san66471 said:
Yes it is a single entry visa but I have not used it yet . means I have not travel on it . I got visa in this July and I may travel in next few months .

The visa is still not used and I can travel on it with old and new passport.

One more questions . as my visa valid till jan2015 . if i enter in Canada let say on December as per low I can stay up to 6 months . it means I can stay up to June . or as I have a visa expeire date Jan. I have to come back before the expire date . or stay will be valid for six month from the date in enter in Canada .
Depends on how much time the BSO gives you on entry. It could be up to 6 months without a document being issued.


Aug 16, 2014
good day..i have send all the final requirements for our permanent resident visa to canadian embassy here in the philippines last june 11,2014, our passports and photos.our passport will expire on feb 15 2015 and our travel due date indicates march 2015. we are waiting more than 2 months for the passport with visa counterfoil..will canadian embassy accept our passport with less than 6 month expiration?please help..


VIP Member
Jun 30, 2005

odi34 said:
good day..i have send all the final requirements for our permanent resident visa to canadian embassy here in the philippines last june 11,2014, our passports and photos.our passport will expire on feb 15 2015 and our travel due date indicates march 2015. we are waiting more than 2 months for the passport with visa counterfoil..will canadian embassy accept our passport with less than 6 month expiration?please help..
Yes, but the COPR will only be valid to the date of the expiry of the passport or 1 year from the date of the medical, whichever comes first.


Sep 6, 2014
Good day!

I would like to ask a few questions regarding the validity of my TRV. I currently hold a TRV valid until Jan 2016, which is the expiry date of my passport. I got married last May 2014 and I am planning to replace my passport with my married name.

Is the visa still valid in my old passport if I already renew my passport with my married name? Will the immigration officer allow me to enter Canada showing the visa in my old passport with my maiden name and the new passport with my married name?

My husband and I are planning to go to Canada on June 2015.

Please advise. Thank you.

Ivy ;)


Mar 27, 2013

I have a valid multiple visa expiring in couple of month from now. However, my passport expiring soon. So, I got a new passport and applied for a new multiple visitor visa. The new application is still in process and has not get finalized yet. And for some reason, I have to travel to Canada very soon. So, I was wondering if I can travel with my current valid visa on old passport WHILE i have A NEW VISITOR VISA APPLICATION IN PROCESS?
