I got mine done in New York City. In New Jersey, called my local police office, and they said they dont do fingerprints.
At the NYC center they charge $35 for first set of prints and $10 for every additional. She took first set of my fingerprints on FD-258, and then told me that a few of them may not be good enough, and suggested I get an another one done, and send both of them in case one or more prints in each set is not legible.
Just in case you did it yourself, or got it done by someone who doesn't know the technique of fingerprinting, I'd suggest you get it done by a professional.
on FD-258, the individual finger prints (taken on the first two rows) are rolled fingerprints, where you roll each inked finger from left to right. The bottom row is the one where you take all fingers simultaneously (usually prints from more than half the finger).
Another thing I noticed was the technician asked me not to press too hard while taking the fingerprint. That was messing it up.
Hope this info helps!