Could someone please confirm a sample of US PCC. I have received it today and am not sure if it is the exact CIC wants?!
I've completed a US PCC (FBI Identity History) through a FBI-approved channeler and directly from the US DOJ. Long story short, I misunderstood the directions and had my sister complete a check too. It was very unnecessary, but it did give me experience going both routes. Both should be approved by CIC since, well, I followed their links!
Regardless of which way you go -- directly or third-party -- your results will effectively look the same, though slightly different. Not sure which route you went, but either way you should have received a page that has the DOJ seal and West Virginia address at the top, then your name and address below it. Underneath that you'll see when the search was completed and the results. Depending on your criminal history, you'll see either a short sentence confirming you have not had run-ins with the law, or if you have gotten into some trouble, those things will appear. If you have a clean record, it'll simply be one page and nothing more. At the end of your "rap sheet" you'll see the signature of the section chief.
From what I've seen, the slight difference between channeler and "direct" results is that the former is in color (DOJ seal), while the latter is in black-and-white. Also, the PDF version of the direct PCC has an additional page with a giant FBI logo on it. Other than that, they're the same.