Thank you for the extra tips. I really needed to know that

! By the way you say you are visiting your husband in Canada, do you have a visitors record? If so for how long? ]
I don't have a visitor's record. I can stay here short of six months with no problem. After that I will head to USA for several months, possibly until I hear something. Now it seems i have read that the visitation time is rolling, meaning if I cross the border for a week, my six months restart. Can someone confirm that for me? The visitor record keeps track of everytime you come and go, and i believe every time you cross the border you must have an agent document you are crossing. The last thing I want to do is open myself up to more questions etc. And again, is my understanding of a visitor record correct? I've been coming to Ontario for on weekends and summers for so many years almost 20, and I've been through customs many times. I figure the less I stand out the better. Anyone have opinions on that? I am also learning how to use the quotes, sorry it didn't come out right.